Glass/Jamming Transition

The liquid-glass-jamming transition in disordered nanoscale and micron-scale emulsions

In a series of articles, in collaboration with colleagues at UC Los Angeles, La Sapienza (Rome) and the University of Konstanz, we have investigated the structural and dynamical properties of moderately polydisperse emulsions across an extended range of droplet volume fractions, encompassing fluid and glassy states up to jamming. We have developed a unique experimental model system composed of micron sized emulsion droplets that are refractive index matched to the solvent, buoyancy matched and dye-labeled. If not in contact, the droplets behave as nearly ideal hard spheres due to high surface tension at the fluid-fluid interface. We have studied linear and non-linear rheology, passive and active microrheology using rheometry, light scattering, optical and magnetic tweezers and the measurements of the intermediate scattering function.

· Nesrin Senbil, Markus Gruber, Chi Zhang, Matthias Fuchs, and Frank Scheffold, Experimental observation of strongly heterogeneous displacements at the depinning transition in a colloidal glass, submitted,

· M. Braibanti, H.S. Kim, N. Şenbil, M.J. Pagenkopp, T.G. Mason, F. Scheffold, The liquid-glass-jamming transition in disordered ionic nanoemulsions, Scientific Reports 7 (1), 13879 (2017)

· C. Zhang, N. Gnan, T. G. Mason, E. Zaccarelli, and F. Scheffold, Dynamical and structural signatures of the glass transition in emulsions, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT), Special Issue: The Role of Structure in Glassy and Jammed Systems, 094003 (2016)

· H.S. Kim, F. Scheffold and T.G. Mason, Entropic, electrostatic, and interfacial regimes in concentrated

Disordered Ionic Emulsions disordered ionic emulsions, Rheol. Acta 55 (8), 683–697 (2016), Rheologica Acta Publication Award 2018