Call for Papers

Important Dates

  • Paper submission deadline: 25th February 2022 at 04:00 PM PST Monday 28th February 2022 anywhere on earth!

  • Notification to authors: 25th March 2022 at 06:00 PM PDT

Submission Guidelines

General Information

  • We solicit short papers related to anchoring ML to classical algorithmic theory.

  • Submitted manuscript should follow the ICLR 2022 paper template.

  • The max. page limit is 8 (excluding references and appendix), although we encourage authors to submit short manuscripts of 4 pages.

  • Appendix (if any) should be placed at the end of your submission, after the references.


  • The manuscript must contain substantial original contents not submitted to any other conference, workshop, or journal earlier than the current submission deadline.

  • Authors of relevant contributions accepted at ICLR 2022 may directly contact the GroundedML organizers to have their work cross-listed and/or get a spot at the GroundedML virtual poster session. No extra review process will occur; do not submit to CMT.

Review Process

  • Papers will be peer reviewed under double-blind policy, and must be submitted online through the CMT submission system at

  • Authors are responsible for ensuring the anonymity of their submission (e.g., use the third person when citing their own work).

  • Reviewers are free to decide whether or not to consider the contents of the appendix (if any) in their review.

Rejection Without Review

  • Submissions will be rejected without review if they:

    • contain more than 8 pages (excluding references and appendix);

    • violate the double-blind policy; or

    • violate the dual-submission policy.

Accepted Papers

  • All accepted papers will be presented as posters. Two papers will be selected as oral.

  • The guidelines for the posters are the same as at the main conference (ICLR2022).

  • Authors will be given the opportunity to publish an extended version (at least 30% more) in a special issue in Algorithms. External submissions may also be considered.

Topics Covered

Topics of the papers include but are not limited to:

  • Algorithmic guarantees

    • Framework to study time complexity bounds of ML models (e.g., design speedups that are asymptotically significant).

    • Framework for studying the accuracy of a model with respect to an optimal solution.

    • Negative results: what are the things a given model cannot do?

    • Sample complexity, actionable statistical guarantees, extrapolation capacity.

  • Characterization

    • Complexity theory: study the inherent complexity class of a problem.

    • Bounds on learning capacity (expressivity) of certain model design paradigms for a given problem (e.g., is a given architecture capable of learning the type of correlation?).

    • Bounds on the very idea of porting algorithmic theory methods to machine learning (e.g., can we prove that some of the goals of the GroundedML workshop are hopeless?).

  • Design paradigms

    • Model design paradigms: specialized methods for designing algorithms from formal problem specifications (e.g., dynamic programming).

    • Standardized techniques for asymptotically significant speedups.

    • General Techniques for algorithmic alignment, modularity, and compositionality of ML models.

    • Design of data structures that lend well for ML consumption (e.g., to speed up computation).

  • Datasets

    • We welcome papers that propose benchmarks or datasets that are of relevance to algorithmic alignment.


Our sponsors support different awards for the best papers of the workshop.

  • Algorithms: One free submission to the Algorithms peer-reviewed open access journal awarded to the Best Paper Award.

  • Nvidia: One Titan RTX GPU awarded to the Best Paper Award. (Can only be sent to US or Canada.)

  • Samsung Research: A total of three pairs of Samsung Earbuds, one awarded to the Best Paper Award and one to each of the two Best Paper Finalists.

  • ServiceNow: $400 to the Best Paper Award and $300 to each of the two Best Paper Finalists. (Only Ph.D. students are eligible to participate. Government officials, public sector officials, and employees of entities who do business in the Public Sector are not eligible to participate. ServiceNow reserves the right not to make the award if the recipient turns out to be a government official, public sector official, or individual who does business in the public sector.)