Community Resiliency Model® Wellness Skills

Build Your Well-Being Toolbox

You will learn the key concept of the Resilient Zone and 4 of the biology-based wellness skills to feel like your best self even during times of stress.

The Resilient Zone

In this section, you will learn about the key concept of the Resilient Zone and how we can get bumped out of our Resilient Zone.

  1. Resilient Zone

  2. Being Bumped High or Low

  3. Widening our Zone


In this section, you will learn about the foundational skill of tracking which is reading your nervous system.

  1. Reading your Nervous System

  2. Learning Sensation Language

  3. Tracking Exercise


In this section, you will learn the skill of resourcing which is anything that gives you a sense of peace, calm, joy, or makes you feel strong or resilient.

  1. Learning Tracking through Resourcing

  2. Resourcing Intensification

  3. Resourcing Excercise


In this section, you will learn the skill of grounding. Grounding is bringing your attention to anything that provides support in the present moment.

  1. Grounding

  2. Grounding in many ways

  3. Grounding excercise

Help Now

In this section, you will learn Help Now strategies to help bring you back to the present moment when you're bumped high or low.

  1. The Brain and Help Now

  2. Help Now Strategies

  3. Help Now Practice Excercise