Split Test Monkey Review 2022 + Special Bonuses| Best Split Testing Software


Split Test Monkey Review: Best Split Testing Software

Have you had a hard time split testing your website? Perhaps you don't know where to start. In this review, I give you some basics on Split Testing, also known as A/B testing, and take you through the main features of Split Test Monkey, its pros and cons, as well as my personal opinion on the software.

What is Split Testing?

Split testing, also known as A/B testing, allows marketers to compare two versions of a web page — a control (the original) and a variant — to see which performs better in order to increase conversions.

There should be only one variation between the two pages in order for the tester to understand why the performance has changed.

If you have low sales volume, your list-building tactics aren't working, then it is time to try a different approach.

Split testing is a scientific approach to narrowing down on what works and what doesn't work - so that you get the most conversions for your site.

What is Split Test Monkey?

Split Test Monkey is a Software Tool designed to help anyone (even beginners) to split test their websites effectively. It completely automates the process for you by optimizing your websites based on which site converts the most traffic and re-directing the traffic to it.

It basically does all the hard work of figuring out the rate of conversion between the control and the test page.

It is your best option for increasing conversions because most website owners never split test, and as a result, they all lose money. You're already losing money if you're not testing and optimizing your most crucial pages for conversion. If you thought split testing was tedious or difficult, reconsider! Split test monkey was created by a group of marketers that despise split testing.

In order for it to succeed for the company, it had to be so basic and easy to use that it felt almost invisible when they used it to optimize their own websites.

Whether you're new to online marketing or have been doing it for a while, you should understand the importance of split-testing.

Split Test Monkey Video Review

Split Test Monkey Review: Main Features of Split Test Monkey

  1. All it takes is to input the URLs to several sites that you want to test, whether it is a web-page, a video, or an opt-in page, with different headlines.

  2. You can test up to six URLs at a time.

  3. In the dashboard you get an eagle's eye view of how many visitors visit each page, conversions each page receive, and stats on which pages work best.

  4. You will get to see the percentage conversion rate on each page and optimize your campaigns accordingly.

  5. You also get an auto-optimizer feature.

  6. Before it would take time to monitor conversions, check data, and manage your links.

  7. With the auto-optimizer you don't have to do this stuff!

  8. It has built-in defaults but once you choose your criteria for a winning page, it then acts accordingly.

  9. For example, how long the test should run, how many conversions are needed before a winning page is chosen.

  10. The software automatically finds the winning page with a calculated confidence level, and after that every future visit is routed to it on auto-pilot.

  11. It is split testing made easy.

Benefits of Using Split Test Monkey

  1. You get more sales per visitor to your page. That is, increased conversions due to better optimized pages.

  2. More sales and commissions due to increased conversions.

  3. Basically, your earnings per click go up dramatically.

  4. You can focus on quality, things like the graphics so that they load faster or aren't so cluttered, and improved design to your web-pages.

  5. The ability to view your web stats at a glance on a easy-to-use dashboard.

  6. It is instant and accurate for your online business.

Any Cons to using Split Test Monkey?

I would say that any automated software requires you to understand the basics of what is really happening.

An in-depth understanding of split testing as an SEO strategy is important.

What Types Of Test Can You Run With Split Test Monkey

  1. A/B Dynamic ‘Snippet’ Tests

With A/B Dynamic Snippet Testing each element/variation is rotated dynamically and directly within your webpage or blog page/post. In this type of test all visitors are viewing the same URL

2. Split URL/Web Page Tests

Split URL / Webpage testing, is different from the A/B Dynamic testing, as the test variations here are complete web pages. (e.g. different URL’s) For each test you can add two (and up to six) individual web pages which will be measured against each other to determine the best converting.

So, what type of test should you conduct?

You'll always have a choice with Split Test Monkey. Your testing requirements will determine whether you utilize A/B Dynamic tests or Split URL tests. We'd propose Split URL testing first to find a high-performing page or offer, then A/B Dynamic testing to fine-tune the page for maximum conversions in most circumstances (particularly for new sites).

However, if you already have a page and want to test the efficiency of a different order button, a new headline, a product image, or a different call to action, A/B Dynamic will suffice.

Who developed Split Test Monkey?

Split Test Monkey has been developed by Promote Lab, Inc.

Jeremy Gislason & Simon Hodgkinson founded and manage Promote Labs Inc which primarily sells software as a service (Saas) as well as video training courses that help online business owners and marketers to achieve higher profits, save time, grow their businesses and achieve financial freedom.

Split Test Monkey Bonuses

In order to help you understand split testing in full, I am giving away this video course to you for free when you buy split test monkey through my link > CLICK HERE TO BUY SPLIT TEST MONKEY TODAY - $1 FOR 14 DAY-TRIAL


Pricing: How much can I get Split Test Monkey For?

You can get Split Test Monkey Pro for just $1 for 14 days and $67 once you see that it actually works for you.

You don't want to miss your chance.


When you buy Split Test Monkey through my LINK you also get these bonuses:

Split Test Monkey Bonuses from PromoLabs Inc.

Split Testing Made Easy - ($9.95 Value)

Whether you're new to marketing online, or you have been around for a while, you already know that split testing is incredibly effective.

Inside this easy to follow guide, you'll discover exactly how seasoned pros utilize the power of split testing to increase conversions and improve every aspect of their websites.

  • Discover exactly where to start testing, what to test and why.

  • Unlock the 3 step secret of writing “Grab ‘Em By The Shirt Collar” headline using the incredibly effective POW formula.

  • How to test your offers and pages even with low volumes of traffic, plus how to avoid common split testing mistakes.

The 6 P's Of Conversion - ($9.95 Value)

Discover the SIX KEY FACTORS that influence conversion rate of any offer and how to improve and test each to maximize your browser-to-buyer results.

  • Wildly effective product pricing strategy, how to nail it first time and how to test prices without turning off potential customers.

  • 10 quick tweaks for your sales copy that are guaranteed to lift conversion rates (and you can apply them all in just a few minutes).

  • Simon's simple 'from scratch' 3 stage split testing strategy that delivers winning 'control' pages quickly and easily.

  • Discover the strongest sales page incentives that create a sense of urgency and compel prospects to take action immediately.

Copywriting Crash Course - ($9.95 Value)

Boost Your Sales Pages, Sales Videos & Landing Page Conversions Fast!

  • Get a detailed 11 point copy "Success Formula" used by top web conversion specialist Simon Hodgkinson.

  • Revealed: How to make simple, quick and easy tweaks to your pages and scripts that deliver amazing conversion boosts.

  • Powerful and proven strategies that work anywhere you need to increase your conversions (landing pages, ads, checkout pages etc.)

  • How to construct a sales letter/script from start to finish with explanations, real life examples & ideas for your own pages.

All these bonuses have a value of about $10 each, and you get them for free.

If you miss the launch, you can still buy Split Test Monkey using my link to get a special discount on your purchase, plus my Video Course Bonus on Split Testing.

My Opinion

Split Test Monkey is the beginning of a successful online marketing business, with the power to control your conversions by optimizing your landing pages.

Try it today.

Bonus Tutorial Video Preview - Split Testing Basics