
I am a passionate university teacher with experience in teaching macroeconomics and thesis writing techniques. I also supervised numerous Master and Bachelor theses in macroeconomics and finance. I gathered my teaching experience at four different universities in three countries (UK, Germany and Sweden). I have lectured and supervised theses in the German and the English language.

Taught courses:

           Evaluation 2020: NEKG41_WS2021                                                                 

       Evaluation 2018: 5309_2018

       Evaluation 2017: 5309_2017

       Class teacher evaluation: LSE EC210 class teacher evaluation Anna Grodecka.pdf

Thesis supervision

2020/2021 - Lund University, Bachelor and Master Thesis supervision (finance and macroeconomics, in English)

2019 - Lund University,  Master Thesis supervision (macroeconomics and finance, in English)

2018 - Stockholm School of Economics, Master Thesis supervision (macroeconomics, in English)

2015 - University of Bonn, Bachelor Thesis supervision (macroeconomics, in English)