Final prototyping (05.03)

Worked on the last iteration of our product and made some final design changes to the claw and actuator to increase functionality.

Testing period (04.21)

Iterated on the positioning of the arm and wrist supports to minimize the apparent weight of the object being picked up. Tested and analyzed what the gripper was doing well in, and made design changes to the parts that didn't do so well.

Hong Kong Trip (04.01)

Visited HKUST, attended tech talks, and toured manufacturing facilities in Hong Kong. We learned a lot about branding and packaging design, and we applied it to our own product!


Filmed a 1 minute video explaining our concept, process and giving an introduction to our team. This video will be used to showcase our project to our partner school, HKUST.

Prototyping session (03/15)

Second prototyping session involved attaching our claw mechanism to our rod and shoulder bolt axle mechanism.

prototyping session (03.04)

Prototyped mechanism designs using laser cut wood. Moved from a string based mechanism to a rod based mechanism.

Mentor Meeting (02.14)

Met with Professor Hannah Stuart to discuss updates to the design. The meeting focused on making the device more usable by reducing weight and improving claw function. Suggestions included replacing metal components with lighter nylon alternatives, reducing number of claw shafts, using an aluminium rod, and adding bushings to the device.

The team decided to measure all components individually to decide where weight reduction is possible.