Griffin Park Grill Specials

Even though the everyday thing is great, sometimes you want a little something different.  That's why we love our specials at Griffin Park Grill.  Ranging from the comfort foods of childhood to the down right weird, specials add a little spice to life.

Some of the favorite specials have been calzones, Stromboli, Rubens,  any pasta with our homemade sauce and meatballs, and fish or shrimp tacos with our mango salsa.  Sometimes, like with Steak Night and Fajita Night, we will pre-sell our meals.   At other times, our rule is "when we run out, we are out.  You should have got here earlier."   If you see something that strikes your taste buds, let your bartender know.  Maybe it will show back up on a Special soon.
Tuesdays are our Taco Tuesdays - three tacos for $5.00