

Jack Grieve. 2022. A Taxonomy of Fake News for Linguistic Analysis. Fakespeak Workshop, University of Oslo, November 15, 2022.

Jack Grieve. 2022. The Spread of Lexical Innovation is Constrained by Cultural Regions. LADAL Webinar Series. March 7, 2022.


Jason Grafmiller and Jack Grieve. 2021. I'm sat/sitting here trying to understand this variable. Presented at NWAV 49, October 23, 2021.

Christian Ilbury, Jack Grieve, and Dave Hall. 2021. Exploring the Diffusion of Multicultural London English Lexis through Twitter Data. Presented at NWAV 49, October 23, 2021.

Jack Grieve. 2021. Lexical change in Modern English. Plenary at International Society for the Linguistics of English Conference (ISLE6) Joensuu, Finland, June 4, 2021.

Jack Grieve. 2021. VarDial-ectology: What Dialectology can Contribute to NLP. Keynote at VarDial 2021 at EACL, April 20, 2021.


Jack Grieve. 2020. Short Texts in Digital Humanities and Investigative Linguistics. Invited Keynote at BAAHE 2020, University of Antwerp, December 17, 2020.

Jack Grieve. 2020. Linguistic & Authorship Analysis. Invited Presentation, Department of Linguistics, KU Leuven, November 23, 2020.

Jack Grieve. 2020. Short Text Authorship Analysis. Invited Presentation, Department of Linguistics, Simon Fraser University, October 29, 2020.

Jack Grieve and Nick Groom. 2020. The Evolution of the Linguistic Structure of British Patents. Invited Presentations, LAEL Webinar, Sao Paulo, Brazil, September 8, 2020.

Dong Nguyen and Jack Grieve. 2020. Do Word Embeddings Capture Spelling Variation? Presented at the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING).

Jack Grieve. 2020. Big Data and Little Phenomena in Linguistics. Invited Keynote at BAAL Language and New Media SIG, University of Edinburgh, April 17, 2020.


Jack Grieve. 2019. Word frequencies as dialect features. Invited presentation at New Ways of Analyzing Dialectal Variation Conference, Paris, November 22, 2019.

Jack Grieve. 2019. Understanding Stylistic Variation on the Donald Trump Twitter Account. Invited Presentation at CRCC Seminar Series, Loughborough University. October 22. 2019.

Jack Grieve and David Jurgens. 2019. Mapping Regional Linguistic Variation using Twitter and R. Workshop at NWAV 48, Eugene, Oregon, October 10-12, 2019.

Helena Woodfield and Jack Grieve. 2019. Individual differences in fake news: The case of Jayson Blair. Presented at British Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Manchester, August 29, 2019.

Andrea Nini and Jack Grieve. 2019. Frequency-free authorship attribution: Testing the n-gram tracing method. Presented at Corpus Linguistics 2019, Cardiff, July 23, 2019.

Jack Grieve, Emily Chiang and Dong Nguyen. 2019. A corpus-driven description of rhetorical strategies used by child sexual offenders on the Dark Web. Presented at Corpus Linguistics 2019, Cardiff, July 24, 2019.

Jack Grieve. 2019. Authorship analysis and register analysis. Invited presentation at First IAFL Roundtable on Authorship Analysis, University of Manchester. May 15, 2019.

Jack Grieve. 2019. Residualised type token ratio as a text-length independent measure of vocabulary richness for comparative corpus linguistics. Presented at ICAME 40, Neuchatel, Switzerland, June 1-6, 2019.

Jack Grieve. 2019. Linguistic approaches to the detection and obfuscation of disinformation. Invited presentation at A Multi- and Inter- Disciplinary Approach to Disinformation Research and Policy Conference, St. Antony's College, Oxford, March 11, 2019.


Jack Grieve. 2018. The Future of Language Change. Inaugural Lecture. University of Birmingham, December 10, 2018.

Jack Grieve. 2018. Tracking lexical innovation in American English Online. University of Sussex, November 27, 2018.

Jack Grieve. 2018. Mapping lexical variation in New York City. Invited Presentation at Computational Sociolinguistics Workshop, Lorentz Center, Leiden, Netherlands, November 5-9, 2018

Jack Grieve. 2018. A quantitative comparison of lexical dialect maps based on surveys and corpora. Invited Presentation at University of Cambridge, October 29, 2018.

Jack Grieve. 2018. Mapping Emerging Words in New York City. NWAV 47, New York City, October 21, 2018.

Jack Grieve, Dirk Hovy, David Jurgens, Tyler Kendall, Dong Nguyen, Jim Stanford, Meghan Sumner and Rachael Tatman. Computational Sociolinguistic Workshop. NWAV 47, New York City, October 18, 2018.

Jack Grieve, Isobelle Clarke, Olumide Popoola and Emily Waibel. 2018. Native Language Identification of the Guccifer 2.0 corpus. AACL 14, Atlanta, Georgia, September 21, 2018.

Jack Grieve and Isobelle Clarke. 2018. Tracking stylistic change on the Donald Trump Twitter Account. AACL 14, Atlanta, Georgia, September 22, 2018.

Nick Groom and Jack Grieve. 2018. A diachronic move analysis of the patent specification genre (1711 – 2011). ICEHL XX, Edinburgh, UK, August 27-30, 2018.

Jack Grieve. 2018. Tracking the evolution of words in the Modern English lexicon. ISLE 5, London, UK, July 17-20, 2018.

Isobelle Clarke and Jack Grieve. 2018. A multidimensional analysis of English Twitter. ISLE 5, London, UK, July 17-20, 2018.

Jack Grieve, Isobelle Clarke, Olumide Popoola and Emily Waibel. 2018. Native Language Identification through Back Translation. Centre for Crime, Justic and Policing annual conference, University of Birmingham, July 9, 2018.

Isobelle Clarke and Jack Grieve. 2018. Stylistic variation on the Donald Trump Twitter account. The 4th Corpora and Discourse International Conference , Lancaster, UK, June 23, 2018.

Nick Groom and Jack Grieve. 2018. A diachronic move structure analysis of the patent specification genre, 1740-2011. The 4th Corpora and Discourse International Conference , Lancaster, UK, June 22, 2018.

Jack Grieve and Nick Groom. 2018. Tracking change in a corpus of patents using move analysis and edit distance. ICAME 39, Tampere, Finland, June 1, 2018.

Olumide Popoola and Jack Grieve. 2018. Dimensions of deception: Using multi-dimensional analysis to detect fake online reviews. ICAME 39, Tampere, Finland, June 3, 2018.

Jack Grieve. 2018. Visualisation is necessary to determine if clustering is appropriate in corpus analysis. Data visualization in corpus linguistics: Critical reflections and future directions Workshop, ICAME 39, Tampere, Finland, May 30, 2018.

Jack Grieve. 2018. Natural selection in the Modern English lexicon. Evolang XII, Torun, Poland, 17 April 16-19, 2018.

Jack Grieve. 2018. Cultural change leads language change. Invited Presentation at Linguistics and English Language seminar series, University of Manchester, 22 March, 2018.


Jack Grieve. 2017. The future of dialectology. Geographic Information Systems and Social Networks: Consequences for the Study of Linguistic Variation, Autonomous University of Barcelona, November 30, 2017.

Jack Grieve. 2017. Attributing short texts. Invited presentation at Linguistics Research Seminar, University of Huddersfield, November 7, 2017.

Nick Groom and Jack Grieve. 2017. From gene sequencing to genre sequencing: A corpus-based analysis of British patents of invention, 1711 - 2011. Invited presentation at Charles University, Prague, October 31, 2017.

Jack Grieve. 2017. Big data, short texts. Invited presentation at English Language Research Seminar, University of Birmingham, October 17, 2017.

Jack Grieve. 2017. Word Maps. Invited presentation at Sci Foo, Googleplex, August 6, 2017.

Isobelle Clarke and Jack Grieve. 2017. Dimensions of abusive language on Twitter. ALW1: 1st Workshop on Abusive Language Online, held at annual meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL) 2017, Vancouver, Canada, August 4, 2017.

Jack Grieve, Emily Carmody, Isobelle Clarke, Hannah Gideon, Annina Heini, Andrea Nini and Emily Waibel. 2017. Attributing the Bixby Letter using n-gram tracing. Corpus Linguistics 2017, Birmingham, UK, July 26, 2017.

Jack Grieve. 2017. Multivariate analysis of short-term lexical change. Corpus Linguistics 2017, Birmingham, UK, July 25, 2017.

Jack Grieve. 2017. Short-text authorship attribution using n-gram tracing. 13th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Forensic Linguists, Porto, Portugal, July 13, 2017.

Jack Grieve. 2017. Authorship verification without distractors. Forensic Linguistics Dojo, 13th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Forensic Linguists, Porto, Portugal, July 10, 2017.

Jack Grieve. 2017. Geographical patterns of lexical innovation. Invited Presentation at The Dynamics of Lexical Innovation Workshop, Munich, Germany, June 29, 2017.

Jack Grieve. 2017. Applied lectometry: Using multivariate spatial analysis to identify cultural regions. Presented at ICLAVE 9, Extending the Scope of Lectometry Panel, Malaga, Spain, June 7, 2017.

Jack Grieve, Chris Montgomery, Andrea Nini. 2017. Assessing the use of social media for mapping lexical variation in British English. Presented at ICLAVE 9, Malaga, Spain, June 6, 2017.


Jack Grieve. 2016. Identifying and mapping the spread of new words. Invited presentation at BAULT 2016, University of Helsinki, December 2, 2016.

Jack Grieve. 2016. Functional variation drives regional variation. Invited presentation at University of Edinburgh, November 10, 2016.

Jack Grieve. 2016. Using big data to map language structure and use. Invited Plenary at AACL 2016, Ames, Iowa, September 16, 2016.

Jacopo Rocchi, Andrea Nini, David Saad, Jack Grieve. 2016. Dynamics and equilibria in Twitter: Analyzing geographical lexical spread. Presented at IT Open Research Forum Workshop at the London School of Economics, May 19, 2016.

Jack Grieve. 2016 Are regular expressions enough? Invited Presentation at BAAL Corpus Linguistics SIG, Aston University, May 6, 2016.

Jack Grieve, Emily Carmody, Isobelle Clarke, Maria Csemezova, Hannah Gideon, Cristina Greco, Annina Heini, Andrea Nini, Maria Tagtalidou, Emily Waibel. 2016. Attributing the Bixby Letter: A Case of Historical Disputed Authorship. Presented at LSS Seminar Series, Aston University, April 13, 2016.

Jack Grieve, Diansheng Guo, Alice Kasakoff, Andrea Nini. 2016. Trees and Tweets: Mining Billions to Understand Regional Linguistic Variation and Human Migration. Presented at Digging into Data Round 3 Conference, Glasgow, UK, January 28, 2016.


Jack Grieve, Andrea Nini, Diansheng Guo, Alice Kasakoff. Using Social Media to Map Double modals in Modern American English. Presented at New Ways of Analyzing Variation 44, University of Toronto, October 22-25, 2015.

Jack Grieve, Andrea Nini, Diansheng Guo, Alice Kasakoff. Big Data for the Analysis of Language Variation and Change. Presented at From Data to Evidence: Big Data, Rich Data, Uncharted Data, University of Helsinki, October 19, 2015.

Diansheng Guo, Alice Kasakoff, Caglar Koylu, Yuan Huang and Jack Grieve. Historical Population Informatics: Comparing Big Data of Family Trees and the US 1880 Census for Migration Analysis. Presented at the First International Workshop on Population Informatics for Big Data (PopInfo'15), Sydney, 10 August 2015.

Jack Grieve, Andrea Nini, Diansheng Guo, Alice Kasakoff. Recent Changes in Word Formation Strategies in American Social Media. Presented at Corpus Linguistics 2015, Lancaster University, July 22, 2015.

Jack Grieve. Authorship Analysis in the Forensic Context: The Starbucks Murder. Invited Presentation at Between Authors and Authenticity Workshop, University of Birmingham, July 9, 2015.

Jack Grieve. Tracking the Emergence of New Words Across Time and Space. Invited Presentation at the Digital Science Speaker Series, London, May 26, 2015.

Jack Grieve. Corpus Linguistics for Regional Dialectology. Invited Presentation at UCREL CRS, Lancaster University, UK, May 14, 2015.

Jack Grieve. Big Data for Lexical Research. Invited Presentation at JISC's Digifest 2015, as part of the Big Data and the Dark Arts panel, Birmingham, UK, March 10, 2015.

Jack Grieve. Tracking the Emergence of New Words Across Time and Space. Invited Presentation at the Digital History Seminar Series, Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London, February 24, 2015.

Jack Grieve. Mapping Lexical Spread in American English. Presented at the American Dialect Society Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, January 8, 2015.


Jack Grieve, Diansheng Guo, Alice Kasakoff, and Andrea Nini. Big-data Dialectology: Analyzing Lexical Spread in a Multi-billion Word Corpus of American English. Presented at AACL 2014, Flagstaff, Arizona, September 28, 2014.

Jack Grieve. Spatial and geostatistical analysis for regional dialectology. Presented at Methods in Dialectology XV, Groningen, Netherlands, August 11, 2014.

Jack Grieve, Costanza Asnaghi, and Tom Ruette. Lexical variation in American English: A web-based dialect survey. Presented at Methods in Dialectology XV, Groningen, Netherlands, August 15, 2014.

Jack Grieve. Corpus-based dialectology: Regional grammatical variation in a corpus of written American English. Presented at ICAME 35, Nottingham, UK, May 1, 2014.

Jack Grieve, Costanza Asnaghi, and Tom Ruette. Googleology is good science. Presented at Web Data as a Challenge for Theoretical Linguistics and Corpus Design Workshop at the 36th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society, Marburg, Germany, March 5, 2014.

Tom Ruette and Jack Grieve. Cognitive sociolinguistics with Twitter: Why do the Dutch swear with diseases? Presented at Web Data as a Challenge for Theoretical Linguistics and Corpus Design Workshop at the 36th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society, Marburg, Germany, March 6, 2014.


Jack Grieve. Comparative authorship attribution in the Starbucks Case. Presented at Current Trends in Forensic Linguistics, Birmingham, UK, November 8, 2013.

Jack Grieve. Ordinary kriging in dialectology. Presented at Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics 5, Leuven, Belgium, September 12, 2013.

Jack Grieve. Aggregation in authorship attribution: a case study from the American Revolution. Invited presentation at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy, March 12, 2013.

Jack Grieve. Computational dialectology. Invited presentation at King's College, Cambridge, United Kingdom, February 20, 2013.

Jack Grieve and Costanza Asnaghi. A lexical dialect survey of American English using site-restricted web searches. Presented at the American Dialect Society Annual Meeting, Boston, United States, January 4, 2013.

Jack Grieve and Andrea Nini. The authorship of the Declaration on the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms. Presented at the Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting, Boston, United States, January 3, 2013.


Jack Grieve. Computational dialectology. Invited presentation at the English Research Seminar Series, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom, December 5, 2012.

Jack Grieve. Regional variation in the use of generic trademarks. Presented at the 3rd European Conference of the International Association of Forensic Linguists. Porto, Portugal, October 15, 2012.

Jack Grieve. Using web searches in regional dialectology: an analysis of lexical variation in American English. Presented at Regional Varieties, Language Shift and Linguistic Identities, Birmingham, United Kingdom, September 13, 2012.

Jack Grieve. Visualization in regional dialectology using Scalable Vector Graphics. Presented at Advances in Visual Methods for Linguists, York, United Kingdom, September 6, 2012.

Costanza Asnaghi and Jack Grieve. An analysis of regional lexical variation in California English using site- restricted web searches. Presented at Societas Linguistica Europaea 45. Stockholm, Sweden, August 30, 2012.


Jack Grieve, Dirk Speelman, and Dirk Geeraerts. Pattern loss in dialectometry. Presented at Workshop on comparing approaches to measuring linguistic differences, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 24, 2011.

Jack Grieve and Costanza Asnaghi. The analysis of regional lexical variation using site-restricted web searches. Presented at Methods in Dialectology 14, London, Canada, August 3, 2011.

Jack Grieve, Dirk Speelman, and Dirk Geeraerts. A multivariate spatial analysis of lexical and phonetic variation in American English. Presented at Methods in Dialectology 14, London, Canada, August 2, 2011.

Jack Grieve, Tom Ruette, Dirk Speelman, and Dirk Geeraerts. Social functional linguistic variation in conversational Dutch. Presented at Stylistics Across Disciplines, Leiden, Netherlands, June 16, 2011.

Jack Grieve. The use of spatial autocorrelation statistics for the analysis of regional linguistic variation. Presented at Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics 4, Berlin, March 31, 2011.

Jack Grieve. A comparison of statistical methods for the aggregation of regional linguistic variation. Invited presentation at Cross-linguistic and language-internal variation in text and speech: focus on the joint analysis of multiple characteristics, Freiburg, Germany, February 11, 2011.

Jack Grieve. A dialect survey of grammatical variation in written American English. Presented at American Dialect Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, United States, January 11, 2011.


Jack Grieve, Dirk Speelman and Dirk Geeraerts. 2010. The emergence of regional linguistic variation: A computer simulation. Presented at New Ways of Analyzing Variation 39, San Antonio, United States, October 5, 2010.

Jack Grieve. 2010. A regional dialect survey of continuous grammatical variation in written Standard American English. Presented at Sociolinguistic Symposium 18, Southampton, United Kingdom, September 4, 2010.

Eric Friginal and Jack Grieve. 2010. Linguistic variation among internet blogs: A corpus-based, multi-dimensional analysis. Presented at the TESOL Annual Conference, AAAL Special Session, Boston, United States.

Eric Friginal and Jack Grieve. 2010. Linguistic variation among internet blogs: A corpus-based, multi-dimensional analysis. Presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistic Annual Conference, Atlanta, United States.