

21 September: I am givig two talks this week at AACL 2018 in Atlanta: the first is on Guccifer 2.0 with Isobelle Clarke, Olu Popoola and Emily Waibe; the second is on stylistic variation on the Trump Twitter account with Isobelle Clarke.

10 September: Second paper published today -- these are advanced pre-prints from American Speech of my paper with Chaeyoon Kim, Sravana Reddy, Jim Stanford and Ezra Wyschogrod on a crowdsourced New England dialect survey.

10 September: Today my paper with Andrea Nini and Diansheng Guo on tracking the source of spread of emerging words on Twitter was published by the Journal of English Linguistics.

8 September: Our workshop on computational sociolinguistics at NWAV 49 is sold out!

6 September: I've written an opinion piece on Fake News for the University of Birmingham.

27 August: Nick Groom is presenting our paper on the evolution of the rhetorical structure of patentts at ICEHL XX in Edinburgh this week.

17 July: I am giving two talks this week at ISLE 5 in London, one on the evolution of new words on Twitter, and one with Isobelle Clarke on the multidimensional analysis of Twitter.

9 July: I gave a talk with Isobelle Clarke, Olu Popoola, and Emily Waibel on using back translation for Native Language Identification at the annual conference for the Crime, Justice and Policing Centre at the University of Birmingham.

26 June: I am giving a session today on cluster analysis for the Birmingham summer school in corpus linguistics.

22 June: I am giving two talks at CAD in Lancaster, Finland this week, with Isobelle Clarke and Nick Groom.

4 June: I am giving sessions this week at the Birmingham R Stats for Linguists summer school on mapping and spatial analysis.

30 May: I am giving three talks at ICAME in Tampere, Finland this week, including talks with Nick Groom and Olu Popoola.

7 May: Happy to announce I will be organising a workshop on Computational Sociolinguistics at NWAV 47 in New York City this October on computational sociolinguistics, along with Dirk Hovy, David Jurgens, Tyler Kendall, Dong Nguyen, Jim Stanford, Meghan Sumner, and Rachael Tatman.

4 May: Our research on tracking the spread of new word was covered by the BBC today.

18 April: I gave a talk at EvoLang today on natural selection in the modern English Lexicon.

22 March: I gave a talk today at Manchester on how cultural change leads language change.

30 January: My paper on natural selection in the modern English lexicon has been published in the EvoLang XII Proceedings and here is my R code.

10 January: My handbook chapter on spatial statistics for dialectology in the Handbook of Dialectology has been published.


17 December: Following up on our Trump Twitter research, an article by Nikhil Sonnad was published on covering our analysis of change over time in the style of Donald Trump's tweets

8 December: Our analysis on the style of the Trump Twitter account was covered by Ben Zimmer in an article for the Atlantic.

7 December: Isobelle Clarke and I have released a report analysing the style used on the @realDonaldTrump Twitter account, focusing on the style of the disputed General Flynn tweet and on change over time in style used on the account.

30 November: Gave a talk on the future of dialectology at the GISLingVar in Barcelona.

7 November: Gave a talk on short text authorship analysis at the Huddersfield linguistics seminar series.

31 October: Nick Groom gave a presentation on our research on patent structure evolution for the Department of English Linguistics at Charles University in Prague.

24 October: My swearword maps were published in Denis Leary's new book Why We Don't Suck.

4 October: Elvis Yevudey, whose PhD on multilingual practice in Ghanian classrooms I supervise, passed his PhD viva at Aston with minor revisions.

22 September: An article by Jesse Sheidlower on dialectology in the New Yorker discusses my research.

7 September: Aritcle with Tim Grant and Isobelle Clarke on our "Great EMC Twitter Experiment" was published in Emagazine.

18 August: Paper with Tom Ruette, Dirk Speelman and Dirk Geeraerts on social functional variation in conversational Dutch was published in Eric Friginal's collection on corpus-based sociolinguistics.

6 August: This weekend I attended Scifoo 2017 at the Google Mountain View Campus and gave a talk on word maps.

4 August: Isobelle Clarke presented our paper on dimensions of abusive language on Twitter at the first abusive language workshop at the ACL conference in Vancouver.

26 July: Gave a talk with colleagues at Corpus Linguistics 2017 on attributing the Bixby Letter using n-gram tracing.

25 July: Gave a talk at Corpus Linguistics 2017 on searching for common patterns of lexical change in Twitter.

20 July: Giving sessions this week on a regular expressions and big data today and tomorrow as part of the University of Birmingham's Corpus Linguistics Summer School.

19 July: Our research on attritbuting the Bixby Letter is making news. Here's the original article from Time.

13 July: Gave a paper on evaluating n-gram tracing for short text authorship attribution at the International Association of Forensic Linguistics Biennial Conference today.

10 July: Took part in the Forensic Linguistics Dojo at IAFL Porto, trialing n-gram tracing for authorship verification without distractors.

7 July: Gave a session on computational authorship attribution at the International Summer School in Forensic Linguistics in Porto.

6 July: The Economist published an article by Lane Greene discussing my research on the regional linguistic analysis of Twitter.

6 July: Gave a session on authorship profiling at the International Summer School in Forensic Linguistics in Porto.

3 July: I've started up in the Department of English Language and Applied Linguistics as a Professor of Corpus Linguistics.

29 June: Gave at talk at the Dynamics of Lexical Change workshop at LMU Munich on the tracking the geographical spread of new words.

6 June: Gave a talk at ICLAVE9 about using a lexical analysis of US Twitter to identify American cultural regions, as part of the QLVL Lectometry Panel.

5 June: Gave a talk at ICLAVE 9 in Malaga on using UK Twitter to map lexical alternations, along with Chris Montgomery, Andrea Nini and Diansheng Guo.

15 May: Gave a talk at the Gunmakers Arms Brewery with Tim Grant on authorship analysis as part of the Pint of Knowledge series.

15 May: Martijn Wieling and I have just signed a contract with Cambridge University Press for a new book entitled Regional Dialectology: Quantitative Approaches using R.

4 May: Really happy to have won the Most Engaging Academic award from the School of Languages and Social Sciences from the Aston Student Union, as well as to have been nominated for the Most Supportive Academic award.

18 April: New journal article with Andrea Nini, Carlo Corrandini, and Diansheng Guo on the use of growth curve modelling in diachronic corpus linguistics was published by Language Dynamics and Change.

21 March: New journal article with Andrea Nini and Diansheng Guo on analysing lexical emergence in American English online is just published by English Language and Linguistics.