Here is a list of my papers and preprints (in an order that makes sense from some perspective).

  • Support theory via actions of tensor triangulated categories, arXiv:1105.4692 (J. Reine Angew. Math. 681 (2013) 219-254)

  • Subcategories of singularity categories via tensor actions, arXiv:1105.4698 ( Compos. Math. 150 (2014) 229-272)

  • On the derived category of a graded commutative noetherian ring, with I. Dell'Ambrogio, arXiv:1107.4764 (J. Algebra 373 (2013) 356-376)

  • A note on thick subcategories of stable derived categories, with H. Krause, arXiv:1111.2220 (Nagoya Math. J. 212 (2013) 87-96)

  • Even more spectra: tensor triangular comparison maps via graded commutative 2-rings, with I. Dell'Ambrogio, arXiv:1204.2185 (Appl. Categ. Structures 22 (2014) 169-210)

  • Filtrations via tensor actions, arXiv:1206.2721 (Int. Math. Res. Not. 2018 (2018) no. 8 2535-2558)

  • Duality for bounded derived categories of complete intersections, arXiv:1206.2724 (Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 46 (2014), no. 2, 245-257)

  • appendix to: D. Benson, S. Iyengar, H. Krause, Module categories for group algebras over commutative rings, arXiv:1208.1291 (J. K-theory 11 (2013) 297-329)

  • Derived categories of absolutely flat rings, arXiv:1210.0399 (Homology Homotopy Appl. 16 (2014), no. 2, 45-64)

  • The derived category of a graded Gorenstein ring, with J. Burke, arXiv:1507.00830 ("Commutative algebra and noncommutative algebraic geometry (II)", Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ., 68 (2015), pp. 93-123)

  • Strong generators in tensor triangulated categories, with J. Steen, arXiv:1409.0645 (Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 47 (2015) 607-616)

  • Derived categories of representations of small categories over commutative noetherian rings, with B. Antieau, arXiv:1507.00456 (Pacific J. Math. 283 (2016), no. 1, 21-42)

  • Gorenstein homological algebra and universal coefficient theorems, with I. Dell'Ambrogio and J. Stovicek, arXiv:1510.00426 (Math. Z. 287 (2017) no. 3-4 1109-1155)

  • The prime spectra of relative stable module categories, with S. Baland and A. Chirvasitu, arXiv:1511.03164 (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 371 (2019), no. 1, 489-503)

  • The local-to-global principle for triangulated categories via dimension functions, arXiv:1601.01205 (J. Algebra 473 (2017) 406-429)

  • A tour of support theory for triangulated categories through tensor triangular geometry, arXiv:1601.03595 (chapter in "Building Bridges Between Algebra and Topology" Advanced courses in mathematics - CRM Barcelona)

  • Comparisons between singularity categories and relative stable categories of finite groups, with S. Baland, arXiv:1601.07727 (J. Pure Appl. Algebra 223 (2019), no. 3, 948-964)

  • Enrichment and representability for triangulated categories, with J. Steen, arXiv:1604.00880 (Doc. Math. 22 (2017) 1031-1062)

  • On the graded dual numbers, arcs, and non-crossing partitions of the integers, with S. Gratz, arXiv:1611.02070 (J. Algebra 515 (2018), 360-388)

  • The frame of smashing tensor-ideals, with P. Balmer and H. Krause, arXiv:1701.05937 (Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 168 (2020) no. 2 323-343)

  • Morita theory and singularity categories, with J.P.C.Greenlees, arXiv:1702.07957 (Advances in Mathematics 365 (2020))

  • Tensor-triangular fields: Ruminations, with P. Balmer and H. Krause, arXiv:1707.02167 (Selecta Math. (N.S.) 25 (2019), no. 1, Art. 13, 36 pp)

  • Complete Boolean algebras are Bousfield lattices, arXiv:1707.06007 (In "Geometric and topological aspects of the representation theory of finite groups", 393-405, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 242, Springer (2018))

  • The derived category of the projective line, with H. Krause, arXiv:1709.01717 (In "Spectral Structures and Topological Methods in Mathematics", 275-297, EMS Series of Congress Reports, European Math. Soc. (2019))

  • Homotopy invariants of singularity categories, with S. Gratz, arXiv:1803.06144 (J. Pure Appl. Algebra 224 no. 12, 106433.)

  • Proper connective differential graded algebras and their geometric realizations, with T. Raedschelders, arXiv:1903.02849

  • Relative stable categories and birationality, with P. Balmer, arXiv:2003.02935 (to appear in J. London Math. Soc.)

  • Homological residue fields as comodules over coalgebras, with J.C. Cameron, arXiv:2109.10827

  • Big categories, big spectra, with S. Balchin, arXiv:2109.11934

  • Approximating triangulated categories by spaces, with S. Gratz, arxiv:2205.13356

Some other things I have written can be found here.