
  1. The full set of slides are in ASW.pdf

  2. We will cover two "exercises" using the R script ASW.R

  3. Download and have available the Connecticut dataset for doing the veil of darkness analysis

    1. Look up table for when it gets dark, civt.RData

    2. All traffic stops in Connecticut, dataCT.RData

  4. Download and have available the 2011 New York stop-and-frisk dataset, dataNYPD.RData

  5. Have R and RStudio installed and ready to run

    1. Have installed R packages: lubridate, splines, ks, survey, grid, Matrix, survival

    2. Also install the latest versions of gbm and fastDR from github

  6. dataprep.R is not needed, but it shows where I got the data sources and how I prepared them

Ideally you can install gbm3 and fastDR with




