Academic biography

I am a Belgian post-doctoral researcher in philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, and pragmatics, currently working at the Collège de France in Paris. 

After MAs in philology (Université libre de Bruxelles, 2000-2004; Erasmus at the Università di Roma III, 2002-2003) and in linguistics (Université libre de Bruxelles, 2004-2006; MPhil at the University of Cambridge, 2006-2007), I did my PhD (2007-2011) in both linguistics (Université libre de Bruxelles, director: Philippe Kreutz) and philosophy (Institut Jean Nicod, EHESS, director: François Recanati). Since 2012, I have pursued post-doctoral work in Bologna (COGITO, 2012-2013; advisor: Annalisa Coliva), New York (NYU, 2013-2014; advisor: Paul Boghossian), Barcelona (LOGOS, 2014; advisor Manuel García-Carpintero), Brussels (ULB, 2014-2017; advisor: Mikhail Kissine), Fribourg (EXRE, 2017-2018; advisor: Martine Nida-Rümelin), and Paris (Institut d’études avancées, 2018-2019; École normale supérieure, ENS, 2019-2021; Collège de France, 2022-2025; advisor: François Recanati). Since October 2023 (until September 2025), I am working as a post-doctoral researcher in an international project, co-funded by ANR (Agence nationale de la recherche, France) & FNS (Fond national suisse), which explores some special connections between thought, consciousness, and self-knowledge.

My work bears on foundational issues about speech, thought, and consciousness. It studies the relations between various central concepts such as meaning, reference, knowledge, truth, possibility, context, perspective, and subjectivity

I speak French, Italian, English, Spanish, and some Dutch.