21 Best of Good Luck Wishes For Exams (For Students)

All schools and students are serious about their studies. As we all know that exam is an important part of our life when we are in the middle of studies. This is the reason for tension for everyone and brings with it a lot of pressure. To reduce this pressure and tension, we have brought exam sms in Hindi for you. It is our promise that after reading this poetry based written Good Luck Wishes For Exams, you will definitely have a little pressure and you will also get motivation.

  1. Treat your past bad grades like your ex-boyfriend. Don’t worry about it because you know that you can do much better. All the best.

  2. You have silently studied for weeks, and now you will quietly take your exams. It’s your success that’s going to be loud and proud.

  3. Let your hard work propel you to a speed so fast that luck has no choice but to ride with a winner like you. All the best for your exams.

  4. No need to be nervous, no need to be scared, you’re going to do well,

  5. you are prepared. Good Luck in your exams!

READ: Best Wishes & SMS

  1. As your girlfriend, it is my responsibility to wish you good luck for your exams with a hug and reward you with a sweet kiss if you do well. Here’s a hug and I hope that you earn your kisses. All the best.

  2. Don’t give up.

  3. Don’t give in.

  4. Don’t give out.

  5. You can win.

  6. Good luck in your exams!

  7. Every exam is a step on the ladder of your life. Do well at each step to make sure that you always have a something to fall back on. Good luck.

  8. Instead of stressing out and jinxing yourself for the worst, just focus of studying hard and beating everyone to come first. Good luck.

  9. Your goals may not come easy, but they’re worth the work. Keep at it. You’re going to do great things!