Greensboro Gladiators

Who we are

 We are a Cross Country and Track team entering our 9th year as a team.

Our core values reflect a Christian worldview that strives for excellence in our sport, for integrity in our behavior, and unity as a team to strive for God's kingdom.

Hebrews 12:1 "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..."

Founded in 2017 by Rebekah Johnson, we now have 3 coaches and over 60 athletes.

A Gladiators goal is a well-rounded competitive school program encapsulating fall cross country, winter indoor track for high school, and a spring track & field  program.

Rebekah Johnson 

She is a USATF Level 1 certified coach, and RRCA Level 1certified coach. She also has CPR/First Aid and SafeSport certifications. Rebekah holds a bachelor's degree in Psychology from Tennessee Temple University with a minor in Bible. A homeschool mom of 12+ years; she also serves as an Activities Coordinator for Greensboro Home Educators.

Chris Elliot

Bio & Pic Coming Soon!

EJ McGinniss 

EJ holds a degree in Kinesiology from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He is currently pursuing his doctoral degree at Methodist University in Physical Therapy. EJ holds RRCA, CPR/First Aid and SafeSport certifications. EJ is a veteran Gladiator team member and avid triathlete. He is a 2017 homeschool graduate.

Greensboro Gladiator Accomplishments 

1st place Boys Middle School (States)

2nd place Girls High School (States)

2nd place Boys Middle School (Nationals)

Twice 3rd place Boys Middle School (Nationals)

Our athletes have placed in the top 10 at both State and National levels for Middle and High School