"Green computing and communications". (GreenCo)

Project number: 530270-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-UK-TEMPUS-JPCR

National project coordinator Honored inventor of Ukraine, Ph.D. professor V.S. Kharchenko.

Objectives of the project:

  • To develop a master’s program in “Green technologies” in computing and communications for Ukrainian and Russian universities;
  • To develop a doctorate program in “Green technologies” in computing and communications for Ukrainian and Russian universities;
  • To introduce the mechanism of qualification upgrading for Ukrainian and Russian lecturers;
  • To create two incubators for the training of graduate students in “Green technologies”computing and communications in Russia and Ukraine.

Project orientation:

  • To analyze and develop educational modules from “Green technologies” in computing and communications (GCC).
  • To create 4 courses for masters and 7 courses for postgraduate students for “Green technologies” in computing and communications (theoretical and practical materials in areas such as Field Programmable Gate Array computing [FPGA-computing] / Wireless computing and communications / IT-infrastructure / Smart Energy infrastructure).
  • To prepare and publish new training materials, programs, grants.
  • To prepare documentation for implementation of purchase of hardware.
  • Retrain lecturers according to new methodology of teaching new courses and modules.
  • To start a pilot training students for new courses/modules.
  • To create two incubators for training postgraduate students in Russia and Ukraine.
  • To prepare a list of documentation for creating and operation of incubators.
  • To execute quality control of the project.
  • To extend results of the project.


  • University of Newcastle, Great Britain
  • Leeds Metropolitan University, Great Britain
  • University of Žilina, Slovakia
  • University of Ionia, Greece
  • Institute of the National Research Council of Italy CNR, Italy
  • National Aerospace University - Kharkiv Aviation Institute (KhAI), Ukraine
  • Odessa National Polytechnic University OR Odessa National University named after I. I. Mechnikov, Ukraine
  • Donbass State Technical University, Ukraine
  • Uzhgorod National University, Ukraine
  • Pukhov Institute for Modelling in Energy, Ukraine
  • Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University, Russia
  • North-Caucasus Federal University, Russia
  • State National Research Polytechnical University of Perm, Russia
  • Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky, Russia
  • Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control, Russia

By the link right you can download and explore the published materials that were prepared by the consortium of partners of the international project Tempus GreenCo