The Day After Tomorrow

Mukesh Bastola

Genre: Action/Sci-fi

The Paleoclimatologist Jack Hall, with the help of his computer models, predict that global warming will lead to the new ice age. The American Vice-president sarcastically dismisses his warning in the New Delhi Conference. Soon the weather starts to change in different parts of the world. From large hailstones in Tokyo to tornadoes in LA, everything creates chaos globally, even more in the US. An enormous superstorm is on its way to the US, and Jack has to get to his son Sam, trapped in New York with his friends. On harsh weather, the crew starts off to New York from Philadelphia to get to Sam before it’s too late.

“An environmental-themed, popcorn movie.”

It follows a similar Hollywood Movie plot of a hero saving the world from a catastrophe. Though the world faces a severe climatic crisis, some people actually survive the harsh weather conditions. It does touch upon global warming, climate change, and our unwillingness to prioritize nature over our economy. The events portrayed are more of an accelerated and exaggerated version of what might happen if we keep on ignoring climate change. The striking visual and sound effects maintain the audience’s attention towards the movie, but there is not much to grab from an ecocritics perspective. Nevertheless, it is a Hollywood Box office hit movie that tries to focus on the climate change issue and its consequences.