HELP please!! My apps finally decided to install, but I'm already having a problem! When I finish a photo in Lightroom and go to edit it in Photoshop, I get a message saying it will require the updated version of Camera Raw for compatibility. But when I check, Camera Raw is up to date! So I click the option to edit it in Photoshop with the lighgroom edits applied. I do what I need to do in Photoshop and when I'm done, the photo looks great! I save it as JPEG, then when I go to open the photo from the folder I saved it in, th picture still looks good as the small icon! But when I click the picture and open it up larger, the picture has a weird green-ish tint to it. I don't know what's going on! I've tried editing several different photos and saving them in different locations, but they all do this when I open up the saved photo. What's going on? What do I do? Please help asap!

I'm not where I can right now. But the photo looks good in Photoshop when I'm done and save it. And when I go back to Photoshop and open it again, it still looks good. It has the weird green tint when I open the saved edit from the folder I saved it to.

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The "updated Camera Raw for compatibility" warning is a release bug - you are actually good to go. You may click "Open Anyway" (and "Don't Show Again") and should work as normal. This doesn't answer your green tint issue, but might help you on your way. When you say you open it in the folder... what app are you using to view it? With another app there's a possible of profile discrepancy that might explain things.

Oh okay, thank you! And I'm opening them just in my laptop's photos collection. I'be tried opening them in Paint but they still look like that have a green film over them. What other format can I save them as other than JPEG that will be compatible with uploading online and for printing? Maybe it's the format? I have no idea But I'm out at our grandparents house today with no internet, so I'm unable to get online on my laptop right now. Just brought it with me to try and fix this issue.

If the Edit in PS JPEG looks good (not greenish) inside LR, but not in other apps the color profile is probably not sRGB. From inside PS go to Edit> Convert to Profile, select sRGB as shown below, and then save to JPEG file format.

Hi! I noticed that when I take a picture of something that is black, I see red, green and blue dots when I zoom in on the picture in lightroom or photoshop. I read something about when the ISO is high, it makes red green and blue dots, and you have to do a mirror lock-up with only the body cap on. They are on all my pictures, but I can see them easier when I take a picture of something black. Could they be dead pixels? Thanks!

I don't think it's noise, because there is about 2 red dots, 3 green dots and 5 blue dots. Even at ISO 100, they are still there. I will try to post a picture that has the dots in it. Thanks for your reply

I have recently started selling some products online and for that of course I needed to learn to take clear pictures. I purchased a used Nikon D3000 camera and built a light box consisting of 6 white wooden panels, with a hole in one of them for the camera to peek through.

I usually like to just edit the Levels on Photoshop to make the background effectively white, however this can't be done if the photo is coming out green, as I have to also play around with the colour balances, and because each photo needs different amount of adjustment, it creates inconsistent looking photos for each product, especially as I often use a variety of pictures in the same final image (to incorporate different angles of the product).

Firstly you appear to be using Fluorescent lights in your light box. Put simply the sun and flash guns emit light which contains the entire visible spectrum (all colours mixed = white light) while Fluorescent lamps lack part of the spectrum (magenta). As a result their light has a slight green tint, which the human eye/brain can compensate for but which shows when captured by a camera. You can fix this by setting the camera white balance to Fluorescent or putting the appropriately coloured gel (thin coloured film) over the lights or using a white balance card to create a custom white balance. This last option will only work if you also fix problem number two (because your white balance is changing from shot to shot as described below).

Secondly the difference you are seeing between the photos is due to the frequency at which fluorescent lights cycle. they cycle every 50th or 60th of a second and during this cycle the light output/colour temp varies. If your shutter speed is faster than the cycle speed of the tube, the camera will only capture the light from part of the cycle; and different shots taken at different stages in the cycle will vary in luminosity and colour. This is why some have the green hue and others don't. To correct for this you would need to set your shutter speed so that it is slower than 50th of a second, to ensure that every shot you take captures the entire light output from the tubes cycle. This will give consistent photos from shot to shot. Obviously this will alter your exposure as more light enters the camera. You will need to compensate by using a smaller aperture or even adding a ND (neutral density) filter to reduce the amount of light entering the camera.

Its been observed that green dots or a green bars appears in photos and videos which is really annoying.. some time they appear on people face also.. I never had this issue in my previous samsung galaxy phone.. literally i took thousands of pictures never experienced this even a single time..

Lithium mining has become particularly controversial recently in Portugal, with the municipality of Pinhel now preparing to file an injunction to stop the exploration. Portuguese residents have continuously rallied against the rare metal's mining, citing huge environmental ramifications. But the government has given the green light to the extraction of the "white gold" in six different regions.

I've just started with a polaroid land 250, got it off ebay. It hasn't been tested by the seller but everything seems to be in good condition. No corrision in the battery compartment, I bought a new battery. I started a pack of FP-100C, I've taken three pictures. Set my ISO as 75. First one came out completely black. Then I did the next two test shots (shown in the link) holding down the shutter for a longer amount of time (with the 2 clicks) and set the settings as lighter. I can see the images faintly now but it's coming out black with a green tint. Is it something I'm doing wrong or the camera's not working? I took the pictures in my office and it's really quite bright in the room.


I don't want to waste anymore film until I know what I'm doing wrong. Would really appreciate it if anyone could offer some advice! Thanks so much!

7:22AM, 17 July 2013 PST(permalink)


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