Loose Leaf Lettuce Varieties - Grow Your Own Delicious Gourmet Greens

Wild lettuce (lactuca virosa) has recently shown promise in research as both a nootropic (a substance that can help improve cognitive function) and painkiller. The powerful plant is a part of the Asteraceae plant family which has 23,600 species around the globe (making it a member of one the largest plant families worldwide), and is usually found in various areas of the world including Iran, Austria, France, Germany, and Scotland.

Common Lettuce Varieties Found in the Local Produce Section

After years of looking through my cookbooks for recipes that called for different types of lettuce, but not knowing the names of each one, I decided to do some research. This is a collection of the most popular lettuce Wild Lettuce varieties from the most recent, modern, and healthy cookbook. This will be a great reference for anyone who is looking for information about different types of lettuce and how to use them in their own recipes.

Growing Hydroponic Lettuce

Some people believe that growing lettuce is tedious, but it's not. Each group contains at least six cultivars of lettuce. There are many varieties within each group. Here are 6 types of lettuce: Iceberg, Butterhead Chinese, Loose-leaf Batavian, Romaine, Loose-leaf and Batavian. According to the United Nations Department in Food and Agriculture, there are 23 million tons of lettuce each year. 12 million of these are in China and 5 million in the United States. Lettuce is far from boring, I believe.

The benefits of wild lettuce.pptx

Growing Great Lettuce

Growing delicious lettuce is something you should do no matter where your family lives. Wait until the cooler months when it isn't too hot (under 90 degrees), before you plant lettuce. This will prevent lettuce from bolting and encourage growth of large, beautiful leaves. You can grow and make delicious salads by following a few simple steps. You first need to ensure that you get the right seeds. Locally sourced seeds will perform better in your climate. They might not perform as well if you are in Texas and purchase seeds from Maine.

Lettuce Nutrition