Ever wondered what goes into running a farm and sheep dairy? Your tour will include a guided look at our farm, a glimpse inside our milking parlour and a view into our cheese kitchen, followed by a tasting at our retail shop in Weston.

Green Dirt Farm founder, Sarah Hoffmann, wanted to raise her kids where they could run around in the fresh air and experience the joy and life lessons that happen when you grow up on a farm. And, today, she wants to share those experiences with you through our delicious artisan cheeses. Read More.

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Jack Gray and Mary Jo Wade founded the farm in 1980, with the vision of producing healthy food for the community. Their values have contributed and continue to help create a sustainable world as they have moved into retirement from farming.

Wali and Jabrila Via came to the farm in 1986 and have a passion for biodynamics and Community Supported Agriculture. Although also now retired, Wali continues to be involved in the biodynamic community, including hosting biodynamic preparation making days on the farm with the Oregon Biodynamic group . Jabrila, also retired, is still involved with the educational component of the farm, hosting field trips.

Long-time employee Kevin Melia and partner Courtney Moore bought the cattle herd at Winter Green in 2020. They were ready to start their own ranching business and when the opportunity arose, knew it was perfect. They are passionate about farming as a way to enhance the health of the land and along with the help of their child Basil, are continually working and learning to improve our grazing systems.

We embrace biodynamic farming methods, and view our farm as a living organism. This means we strive to create a healthy farm ecosystem. The vast majority of our fertility is produced on-farm. We view this as one sign of a farm in biological balance. The backbone of our fertility program is farm-made, well-ripened compost, green manure crops, careful crop rotation, and pasturage of our grazing stock. We feel the health of our farm is reflected in the quality of our crops.

Growing great food and making it available to all people, is one of our core values. We have developed a close link with our local food bank. Through the combined effort from our labor and donations from the community, we provide thousands of pounds of produce to those in need. We also seek to pay our workers a living wage while creating a work atmosphere of mutual respect, learning, and community at our farm.

We honor the inter-relationship of all things. We find that it is helpful to perceive our farm as a living organism, as an ecosystem, so that our awareness of this interconnectedness may increase. We believe that as stewards of this particular piece of earth it is our responsibility to help foster a dynamic harmony amongst the kingdoms of nature. We strive for the appropriate kinds and right number of animals to help provide the fertility needs of our crops. We believe that animal husbandry requires having a deep respect for our domesticated animals. They serve us providing food, fertility, friendship, and entertainment and in turn we provide for them their needs, with love and caring.

We believe that workers have the right to meaningful work, fair treatment, and living wages. We are eternally grateful for the love and care that our employees invest in our farm. In a very real way, our farm is the manifestation of the energy of our workers. Many deep relationships have developed over the years at the farm, among workers and between workers and owners. We see our workforce as our farm community and enjoy supporting this important aspect of our farm.

Farming is hard work. It takes its toll not only on the body, but also requires the ability to handle stressful circumstances. We feel it is imperative that the farm provides time for owners and employees to explore and develop other aspects of their lives, or simply just take a little time off.

Hello, Everyone! Welcome to Fiddler's Green Farm, our 10-acre farm and apothecary located in the beautiful Green Mountains of Vermont. We utilize sustainable growing and harvesting practices to provide you with the best farm fresh produce and herbal products.

Green Farm is the perfect WordPress theme for organic farm website, or a local fresh market. Healthy organic food is a mainstream now, and any green agriculture business requires an online food store or at least a website to showcase organic products, eco vegetable and fruit they grow.

WooCommerce section has a fresh looking design and lets you create an organic food store or an organic shop, to sell farm-grown, eco organic products online. Organic and healthy food is now a mainstream, and this Organic Food Farm theme will let you be on top of it.

What did you do before you became a farmer? I was a veterinarian technician.

What was your motivation for becoming a farmer in the United States? Well, the truth is that I always had the inclination to be a farmer in Colombia, but it was hard, because of the country's insecurity. So I emigrated to the U.S. with that idea, and once I arrived I started looking for a farm in Georgia, but it didn't work out. When I saw in the paper that the NFDP was helping farmers, I responded to the call.

In what way has your previous experience helped you in agriculture? Because I had knowledge in cattle and livestock management, and some experience with crops and agricultural engineering, it made everything easier. It helps a lot. 

In the beginning as an NFDP farmer, what was the experience, tool or advice that helped you the most?tag_hash_111 Through the program, I met a farmer who was doing what I wanted to do: he had a poultry farm. He retired and I had the opportunity to meet the market need. That was the best luck I had. 

If you could go back and do over that first year of being an NFDP farmer, what would you change, or what do you do differently? Actually, the changes I would have made are the ones I'm making. When I started, there weren't as many resources or information in the program. But now there is so much of everything. So I wouldn't say I'd change anything from that first year per se. We did what we could with what we had. 

Which benefit from being part of NFDP would you say has been the most important for you? The economic help, because without the economic help, I wouldn't have been able to go on, or maintain things. Because it's really difficult in a business when there are moments you need money and if you don't have anywhere to get it, it's really hard. 

Where do you sell your products? For Greenmarkets in Union Square Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 97th Street on Fridays, Grand Army and Fort Greene Saturdays, Jackson Heights and Carroll Gardens Sundays. We also sell at markets in Ramsey, New Jersey and Brewster, New York.

Who helps you on the farm and what do they do? I have two people helping me right now: Cesar manages all the eggs, and Juan, who will manage all the crops. Alejahndra is the marketing manager. And I'm the problem solver.

How would you describe your production practices?tag_hash_118 I always try to have production practices as natural as possible, without using anything from outside the farm. That is, using the rules of permaculture, where everything that's used is from around the animals. I try not to put anything extra on the floor for the chickens. Using biodynamic techniques in accordance with the lunar cycles, as well as permaculture principles. 

Do you have plans to expand your business? Plans, yes, many. Right now, my main project is doing value-added. We're thinking of making chicken soup and a few products with beans to introduce into the markets. 

Whats the best part of being a farmer, in your experience? I think the best part of being a famer is that I feel really close to nature, and that relaxes me. When I'm working on the farm, I relax. For me that's the best part. 

What do you consider the greatest challenge or obstacle in agriculture? Well the biggest one for me are the seasons. It's a great obstacle for someone coming from the tropics. In the tropics, you can have an idea and you just start it, without thinking about the time of year. The month doesn't matter -- you plant a seed and it grows. But here, you have to pay attention to the season, you have to plan exactly what you're going to plant. If you lose the window, the whole season passes you by. 

What keeps your customers coming back to your market stand?tag_hash_126 I try to treat my customers really well. It plays a really important role, as well as the quality of the product you sell. If you produce your products with love and care, they're going to turn out high quality. And that's what makes the customers come back; that's what I think. 

What about your farm are you most proud of? I'm pleased that my customers appreciate what I do, but to say I'm proud... I don't like to use that word. It's a big word.

What is the most important lesson you have learned as a farmer? Having patience. As a farmer, you have to have a lot of patience. Before, I wasn't a very patient person. But now I have to have a lot of patience. 

What advice would you give to a new farmer? That they try to do things from their heart, and that they have patience, because in the beginning, things don't turn out like you might like, but little by little they get better. For some, things go well, for others, not. Around the third year is when things start to improve. Also, it's hard to move. Try not to move, and if you can buy yourself a little parcel of land where you know you'll be forever, that's the best. 

What will your farm be like in ten years? Prettier. In 10 years, I'm going to have the farm I've always dreamt of. And I'm going to have the opportunity to work less and make more. I have always that you need to work. I don't see myself not working, but I'll have to find a way to work that isn't as wearing, and that has money coming in so we can live and get the things we need.

What will be your next big investment in your farm? The next one will be planting the grains that my hens need, that is, to steer the farm more in a permaculture and holistic direction.  ff782bc1db

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