Become a mentor

We are looking for volunteers who are interested in becoming mentors. Please find the link to the registration form below.

Who can become a mentor: Anyone working professionally as a mathematician (in schools, universities, industry/businesses, doctoral programs), independently of gender.

What are the duties of a mentor: All that is required of you is to have a meeting with the mentee, either in person or online. Beyond that, it is up to you. You may continue to meet regularly, or you may never meet again. You may also suggest other individuals who might be a better match for the specific mentee. Additionally, if you wish, you can take on more than one mentee and have separate or joint meetings.

Why become a mentor: Mentorship is purely voluntary work. It provides an opportunity to share the wisdom and experience you have gained after years of work with a younger individual who may genuinely need it.

Some examples: a) I am a PhD student in mathematical physics at the University of Chicago and can provide information on applications for the United States, b) I am an assistant professor at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) in the field of teaching and can offer advice on research topics and professional career paths, c) I am a substitute teacher in a high school and can provide guidance on securing employment in secondary education.

How to become a mentor: Once you briefly outline the topics about which you feel comfortable providing advice/information, we will add them to the corresponding section of the GWM website so that potential interested parties can contact you. Click here for the registration form.