
General Options

Image dimensionality (-d)

-d <2|3>

This option is required to run greedy. It specifies whether registration or other operations should be performed in 2D or 3D.

Number of parallel threads (-threads)

-threads <number>

By default, greedy will run in multithreaded mode, using all of your available CPU cores. You can restrict the number of cores used to any given number. On many clusters, the NSLOTS environment variable is defined and can be used to set the number of threads correctly.

> if [[ $NSLOTS -gt 1 ]]; then \
    greedy -d 3 -threads $NSLOTS ... \

Floating point precision (-float)


By default, greedy uses double precision floating point to represent images and transformations in memory. The -float option uses single-precision instead. This is faster and uses less memory, but at some small loss of precision (especially during NCC metric computation).

Command-line help (-h)


Use this command to list all the commands and options for greedy. Some commands are esoteric or developer-oriented and are not discussed here.

Common Commands in Deformable Registration Mode

Input Image Pair and Weight Specification (-i, -w)

-i <fixed_image> <moving_image>

-w <weight>

This command specifies the fixed/moving image pair. Multiple such commands can be provided, in which case there will be multiple fixed and multiple moving images. However, all the fixed images must be in the same physical space, as must be all the moving images. You can use the -w command to assign different weights to different fixed/moving pairs. Note that the -w command applies to all subsequent -i commands.

> greedy -d 3 \
    -w 0.25 -i fixed_t1.nii moving_t1.nii \
    -w 0.75 -i fixed_t2.nii moving_t2.nii \

The fixed and moving images may also be multi-component images (e.g, images of vectors or tensors).

Output Warp Specification: (-o)

-o <warp_image>

Specifies where the warp image will be stored. The warp image will be in the same space as the fixed image and will have three components per pixel. The warp image is specified as follows. Suppose that A is a voxel coordinate in the fixed image and B is a voxel coordinate in the moving image, and that registration matched A to B. Then

ras(A) + warp[A] = ras(B)

where ras(A) is the physical coordinate of voxel coordinate A in the RAS coordinate space (space used by NIFTI).

Metric Specification (-m)

-m <SSD | NMI | NCC <radius> >

Specifies the image similarity metric used for the registration. Greedy does not allow mixing multiple metrics in the same registration (weighting multiple metrics in non-trivial anyway). So the position of the command on the command line does not matter.

Three metrics are supported:

  • Sum of squared differences (SSD) - fastest but only suitable for same-modality registration where intensity ranges of the fixed and moving images are the same. For example, two CT scans. This metric just tries to match the intensity of the fixed and moving images at every voxel.
  • Normalized cross-correlation (NCC) - relatively fast too, but more robust to noise and intensity differences. Tries to maximize the correlation coefficient between the neighborhood of each voxel in the fixed image and the corresponding neighborhood in the moving image. The size of the neighborhood is specified by <radius>. For example NCC 2x2x2 specifies a 5x5x5 neighborhood. Note that there is almost to performance cost for using larger radii due to efficient implementation.
  • Normalized mutual information (NMI) - should be used when intensity spaces of the moving and fixed images are very different, e.g., registering T1-MRI to T2-MRI. Does not work very well for deformable registration, better for affine/rigid.
> greedy -d 3 \
    -m NCC 4x4x4 -i fixed_t1.nii moving_t1.nii \

Initial Transformations (-it)

-it <transform> [transform] ...

Provides a chain of transformations (affine matrices, warps) to apply to the moving image before registration. This is equivalent to first reslicing the moving image into the fixed image space using the same chain of transformations (-r command). The most common scenario is to provide the output of affine/rigid registration to the -it command.

> greedy -d 3 \
    -it affine.mat -i fixed_t1.nii moving_t1.nii \

Fixed Image Mask (-gm)

-gm <mask_image>

Specifies a mask that restricts registration to a region of the fixed image. This can make registration faster and more robust and is highly recommended, particularly when there is a lot of intensity variation along the boundaries of the fixed image. The mask image is typically a binary image, but a soft mask can also be provided.

Multi-resolution schedule (-n)

-n <iteration_spec>

Specify how many iterations of registration to do at each iteration level. For example -n 100x40x20 does three levels of super-resolution (4x, 2x and 1x) and does 100 iterations at 4x (coarsest level), 40 iterations at 2x (intermediate) and 20 iterations at 1x (full resolution).

Inverse warp output (-oinv, -invexp)

-oinv <warp_image>

-invexp <exponent>

Unlike symmetric normalization (SyN), greedy does not compute the inverse of the deformation field at each iteration of image registration. However, you can still generate an inverse warp post-hoc. This uses the fixed point method of warp inversion [reference!]. This adds some extra time at the end of the registration.

To improve the performance of the inverse algorithm, the forward warp is first taken to a power -2, -4, -8, etc. In other words, we find a warp psi, such that psi(psi( ... psi(psi(x)))) = warp(x). The exponent parameter to -invexp is used to specify the power, with power = 2^-exponent. Default value is 2. If you get bad (self-intersecting) inverse warps, try a larger value.

> greedy -d 3 \
    ... -invexp 4 -oinv inverse_warp.nii.gz 

Deformable Registration Parameters

Smoothing Kernels (-s)

-s <gradient_sigma> <warp_sigma>

Probably the most crucial parameter for deformable registration. This specifies the amount of regularization applied to the deformation field during registration. Just like in SyN (and in Demons registration before that), there are two types of regularization applied:

  • Metric gradient regularization: this is applied to smooth the gradient of the image match metric at each iteration. The smoothed gradient is used to update the current estimate of the warp via composition. Larger values of smoothing (gradient_sigma) result is smoother deformation fields.
    • The default value of gradient_sigma is 1.732vox (square root of 3). This default matches the default in SyN.
  • Warp regularization: the entire warp field is smoothed after each iteration. This dampens the overall deformation. Larger values of warp_sigma give smaller deformations.
    • The default value of gradient_sigma is 0.707vox (square root of 0.5). This default matches the default in SyN.

Both sigmas can be provided in voxel units (suffix vox) or physical units (suffix mm).

> greedy -d 3 -s 2mm 0.7mm ...
> greedy -d 3 -s 1.5x1.8x2.0vox 0.2vox ...

Step Size (-e) and time step scaling (-tscale)

-e <step_spec>


Command -e specifies the "time step" size used to update the warp at each iteration. Larger values can speed up registration but can also cause deformation to become non-diffeomorphic. The default value is 1.0, and typical values are in the 0.25 to 0.5 range.

> greedy -d 3 -e 0.5 ...
> greedy -d 3 -n 100x40x20 -e 1.0x0.5x0.2 ...

The second form of the command specifies different step size for each multi-resolution level. This has not proven useful in my experience.

By default, the time step is applied after scaling the smoothed metric gradient so that the norm of the largest gradient across the whole image is 1 voxel. This behavior can be modified with the -tscale command, but this is not recommended. Other options are SCALEDOWN (where the gradient is only scaled down to have maximum norm 1 but never up) and CONST (the gradient is never scaled, so you have to set your time step extremely carefully).

Warp field precision (-wp)

-e <real_value>

Warp fields have great potential to take over disk space. By default, greedy stores warp fields only to the precision of 1/10 of voxel size. In most applications, there is no real difference to warping an image by 2.2 voxels or 2.24 voxels. By lowering precision, you can achieve much better compression when storing warp files in .nii.gz and other compressed formats. You can change the precision from the default 0.1 (1/10 voxel) to full precision (0) or any other value between 0 and 1.

> greedy -d 3 -wp 0.01 ...

Affine and Rigid Registration

Affine mode (-a, -dof)


-o <affine_matrix>

-dof <6|7|12>

Calling greedy with -a command switches the tool to affine/rigid mode. Affine/rigid mode can not be combined with deformable mode in the same command.

By default, full affine registration is performed (12 degrees of freedom in 3D). To use rigid registration, pass in -dof 6. To use rigid + uniform scaling, use -dof 7.

In affine mode, many of the same options as in deformable mode are used, with some minor differences.

  • -o command will write out a matrix encoding the affine transform. This is a N+1 x N+1 matrix that maps voxels in fixed image space to voxels in moving image space. Specifically, if voxel coordinate A in the fixed image corresponds to voxel coordinate B in the moving image, then

[ras(B); 1] = Matrix * [ras(B); 1]

    • If you wish to convert the matrix file to a different format or perform various operations on matrix files, use the c3d_affine_tool in Convert3D.
  • -i, -w, -m, -n, -gm behave the same way as in defor mable mode.
  • -ia or -ia-identity should be used to initialize affine registration (instead of -it in deformable mode)
  • -s and -e have no effect.
  • -oinv is not supported. If you want to invert the affine transformation, use the c3d_affine_tool in Convert3D.

Typical example of rigid registration:

> greedy -d 3 -a \
    -i fixed.nii.gz moving.nii.gz \
    -gm fixed_mask.nii.gz \
    -ia-identity \
    -dof 6 -o rigid.mat \
    -n 100x50x0 -m NCC 4x4x4

Initial transform specification for affine/rigid mode

-ia <affine_matrix>



You can initialize rigid/affine registration with a given matrix or with the identity matrix. Using the identity matrix will initialize the image alignment based on image headers (i.e., assume that ras(A) = ras(B)). Command -ia-image-centers matches image centers (by translation).

If neither of these three options is given, images are initialized based on voxel coordinates, rather than on image headers. This can result in registration failures for many images.

Affine initialization via random search (-search)

-search <N_iter> <sigma_angle> <sigma_offset>

This command will randomly sample N_iter starting positions for affine registration and start optimization from the best position found. Random sampling generates rigid transformations of the moving image. The sigma parameters specify the range of the angles of rotation (in degrees) and range of the offset (in voxels).

> greedy -d 3 -a \
    -i fixed.nii.gz moving.nii.gz \
    -gm fixed_mask.nii.gz \
    -ia-identity \
    -dof 6 -o rigid.mat \
    -n 100x50x0 -m NCC 4x4x4 \
    -search 1000 10 20

Random jitter (-jitter)

-jitter <real_value>

Affine registration tends to converge better when the sample locations where metric is calculated are randomly displaced from voxel centers (this avoids spurious local minima). By default a random jitter with range [-0.5 0.5] is applied to the voxel coordinates where images are sampled. For faster initialization, set jitter to 0.0.

Image Reslicing Mode

The image reslicing mode is used to apply warps and affine matrices to images. It can also be used to compose multiple transforms into a single transform, and to apply warps to meshes. Reslicing mode is activated when the -r command is used. Reslicing mode cannot be combined with registration in the same command line.

Reference (fixed) space specification (-rf)

-rf <reference_image>

Specify the reference image for the reslicing. All images will be resliced into the space of the reference image.

Input/output pair specification (-rm)

-rm <input_image> <output_image>

Specify an image to be resliced and the corresponding output image. You can have any number of -rm commands in the same command line. The input images provided to -rm commands do not have to be in the same physical space. They can be scalar or multi-component images.

Interpolation mode specification (-ri)

-ri <NN | LINEAR | LABEL <sigma_spec> >

Specify the interpolation mode to use for reslicing. This command only affects the subsequent -rm commands on the command line (so should precede the -rm command you want it to affect). The following modes are available;

  • Nearest neighbor (NN): rarely recommended, results in the most aliasing
  • Bilinear/trilinear interpolation (LINEAR): default interpolation mode, fast and less aliasing
  • Label interpolation (LABEL): this special mode is used for warping/reslicing multi-label segmentations. This mode applies a little bit of smoothing to each label in your segmentation (including the background), warps this smoothed segmentation, and then performs voting among warped smoothed binary segmentations to assign each voxel in reference space a label. This works better than nearest neighbor interpolation (less aliasing).
    • The <sigma_spec> parameter to the -ri LABEL command specifies the standard deviation of the Gaussian kernel used to smooth the labels. It can be provided in voxel units (e.g., 0.2vox) or millimeter units (e.g., 0.2mm). Value of 0.2vox works well in most situations.
> greedy -d 3 \
    -rf reference.nii \
    -ri LINEAR \
    -rm t1mri.nii.gz warped_t1mri.nii.gz \
    -ri LABEL 0.2vox \
    -rm segmentation.nii.gz warped_seg.nii.gz \
    -r ...

Transform chain specification (-r)

-r <transform_spec> [transform_spec] ...

Specify the chain of transforms to be applied to the moving image. The last transform is applied first. In most cases, you would do affine registration followed by deformable registration. To reslice your original moving image into the space of the fixed image you would use the command

> greedy -d 3 \
    -rf fixed.nii.gz \
    -rm moving.nii.gz resliced.nii.gz \
    -r warp.nii.gz affine.mat

So the moving image will first be transformed by the affine transform, and then by the warp. Or in other words, if A is a voxel coordinate in fixed image space, then the corresponding voxel coordinate B in the moving image is found according to

ras[B] = warp(affine(ras[A])

  • It is a common error to provide transforms in the wrong order.
  • You can provide as many transforms as you wish - it is possible to chain a dozen transforms.
  • To specify that the affine transform should be inverted, use affine.mat,-1 syntax.
    • For example, to reslice the fixed image into the space of the moving image in the above example, use
> greedy -d 3 \
    -rf moving.nii.gz \
    -rm fixed.nii.gz resliced_backwards.nii.gz \
    -r affine.mat,-1 inverse_warp.nii.gz 
    • Note that the order of transforms has switched. This is because

ras[A] = inverse_affine(inverse_warp((ras[B])

Composing transformations (-rc)

-rc <warp_image>

In addition (or instead of) reslicing images, you can use the reslice mode to compose multiple transforms or to convert an affine transform into the corresponing (linear) warp image. For example:

> greedy -d 3 \
    -rf fixed.nii.gz \
    -r warp1.nii.gz warp2.nii.gz affine.mat \
    -rc composite_warp.nii.gz

The -rc command can be used on the same command line with -rm and -rs commands.

Warping meshes and point sets (-rs)

-rs <input_mesh> <output_mesh>

The transform chain specified with -r can be applied to points in a mesh. However, whereas image intensities are mapped from moving space into fixed space, coordinates of vertices are mapped from fixed space to moving space.

> greedy -d 3 \
    -rf fixed.nii.gz \
    -rm moving.nii.gz resliced.nii.gz \
    -rs fixed_mesh.vtk output_mesh.vtk \
    -r warp1.nii.gz warp2.nii.gz affine.mat

Matching by Moments of Inertia

Moments mode (-moments)

-moments <1|2>

-o <moments_matrix>

Matching by moments can be an effective strategy when two images have similar content, but are so misaligned that the affine and rigid modes fail. Matching by moments is particularly useful for binary objects, e.g. two hippocampal segmentations. Matching by moments line up the centers of mass of the two images, and (optionally) match the second momentum tensors.

  • If the argument to -moments is 1, only centers of mass are matched.
  • If the argument to -moments is 2, the second moment tensors are also matched.
    • These is ambiguity with respect to reflection when matching the second tensors. Greedy will consider all possible reflections (e.g., in 3D there are 8 possible reflections) and choose the one that minimizes the metric between fixed and moving images.

The output is a matrix file, just as in affine and rigid registration. However, unlike rigid and affine modes, the matrix may also include a coordinate flip (reflection).

Restricting flipping in moments mode (-det)

-det <1|-1>

For a 3D image there are 8 ways to line up second momentum tensors, since the direction is along each momentum vector is arbitrary. Four of these ways involve flipping, and four do not. By default, the alignment of tensors that gives the best metric value is used. However, you can force flipping to always occur (e.g., when you know that you are matching a left hippocampus mask to a right hippocampus mask) by setting -det -1. Likewise you can prevent flipping by setting -det 1. This option has no effect when using -moments 1.

Disabling rotation in moments mode (-cov-id)


This option sets the second moment tensors to have identity covariance, which means the matching will not perform any rotation, only alignment of centers of mass and flipping. Note that -moments 2 -cov-id will allow flipping, whereas -moments 1 only aligns the centers of mass.