6 Tips for Flirting by Chatting

6 Tips for Flirting by Chatting

Flirting online can be divided into two phases: first, flirting by chatting with a woman on a contact page; second, chatting on MSN to arrange a meeting. (lucky crush)

To progress to the next stage, you must have generated enough interest and trust for her to agree to share some of her contact information. Getting her MSN is easier than getting her phone number because with MSN, she can chat with you again without the risk of you turning out to be unpleasant.

So, how can you flirt by chatting and get the girl to give you her MSN? The following tips are based on the advice of Arcángel, a French expert in the art of seduction:

1. Manage Your Profile

Your profile is crucial as it creates the first impression for others. For contact pages, Arcángel suggests using a photo of your face. If you wear sunglasses, it adds a mysterious touch to your image, allowing others to imagine your eyes.

2. Select 10 Profiles of Interest

Choose 10 girls you find interesting and send them a message. Expect that some may not respond, and others might leave the conversation due to various reasons. In the end, you might find yourself chatting with only a few ladies.

3. Be Natural and Casual

To flirt effectively through chatting, avoid coming across as overly flirtatious. Be a normal and intriguing person. Instead of a generic greeting like "Hi lovely, how are you?", try something more casual such as "Happy and sunny Tuesday."

4. Handle the "I Have a Boyfriend" Situation Gracefully

If a girl mentions having a boyfriend, don't react negatively. Remember, she might be testing you. Avoid speaking ill of her boyfriend. Question why she is on a dating site if she has a partner.

5. Avoid Webcam Connections

According to Archangel , if a woman asks you to connect your webcam and you decline, she might be testing your willingness. Alternatively, she could be interested in cybersex, making it unlikely for you to meet her in person. In either case, she might exit the conversation.

6. Don't Directly Ask for MSN

Arcángel advises against directly asking for her MSN. If you have been engaging and amusing during the conversation, she is likely to offer it willingly. If the conversation prolongs, inform her that you need to work and will log off, suggesting that you could continue the chat on MSN later. Alternatively, provide your MSN when saying goodbye; she will likely add you herself. https://www.spiegelcam.com/lucky-crush/