September 4, 2018, GSHC Minutes



Date: September 4, 2018

Time: 6:30pm

Meeting was called to order by Shannon Brown.


Shannon welcomed everyone to the second meeting of the Greater Scranton Homeless Coalition. He gave a brief history of the Coalition and opened the meeting with prayer.


Since there were numerous new attendees Shannon requested everyone introduce themselves including what origination, Church or interest group they were representing.


Housing Coalition of Lackawanna County stated they meet the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 9am @ 509 Cedar Avenue, Scranton. All are welcome to attend.

There was discussion re a grant application, submitted by “The Overflow Organization” to support the Homeless Shelter at Bethel AME Church. Due to confusing and conflicting information regarding the grant application and the actual affiliation of the group with Bethel AME Church, Shannon requested to meet with the Pastor and members of the Church in the adjoining room while the meeting continued with information sharing.


• Concern 4 Kids

Melinda Holmes gave a brief overview of the services Concern 4 Kids provides to kids & families in the foster parent program in Lackawanna, Luzerne and Monroe counties. Melinda stated they are only providing about ¼ of need due to lack of foster parents and/or adoptive parents.

• Catholic Social Services

A report prepared by Steven Nocilla was read by his associate in his absence. Stated referrals are received from state or federal prisons to provide halfway services to both males and female prior offenders being paroled. Considered homeless according to HUD definitions. Four beds for women, take pregnant referrals

Shannon and the committee from Bethel AME Church rejoined the meeting.

• Bethel AME Shelter

Pastor Darian Banks described the layout of the shelter and reviewed the Emergency Shelter Needs Assessment that was distributed to the group, citing the most critical issues are the bathroom ventilation system and hall flooring. He also informed the group the Church's Board will meet the following evening to discuss if they are going to open the shelter this year

(October 2018 to March 2019). As to date no decision has been made. He stated he will notify Shannon with their decision.

There was much discussion regarding the infrastructure and operational needs of the shelter, and other options in the community, such as The Rescue Mission, St. Anthony's, and other specific criteria housing sites available in Scranton, if the shelter didn't open.

Shannon asked if anyone else had anything to share with the group.

• A 3rd year student from Geisinger Medical College told us about a Behavior Health Screening the college was conducting. It followed with discussion about the need of mental health services, especially for the homeless and the lengthy waiting period to get these services.

Shannon recapped by stating we cannot plan further until we know Bethel's decision. Pastor Mike Bealla stated there is the immediate need of a shelter but also a long term need of how to get the homeless housing, employment, and life skills training.

Shannon asked for volunteers who would be willing to serve on a Financial Appeal Process Committee. He asked that anyone interested to please see him after the meeting.

Next Meeting

Next meeting will be scheduled in early October at a date, time & place to be determined.

Elis Wetzel, Recording Secretary Countryside Community Church