GREAT 2022-23

(GP & Registrar, Educator Academic Training)

Welcome to the GREAT programme

Hello, the GREAT programme offers you interactive educator development sessions alongside your peer educators whilst teaching students. So there is opportunity for sharing innovations and challenges with the group as well as in the interactive workshops trying out different educator approaches.

We offer six innovative virtual workshops and an introductory session and draw upon educational theory and practice. The programme is one of the highlights of our working week.

Dr Louise Younie (Clinical Reader in Medical Education), Dr Rofique Ali (GP Innovation Fellow & Local GP partner)

Overview of the GREAT programme

Previous participants feedback:

  • ‘enhanced confidence as educator’; became ‘a better learner’; ‘all ST3s should have it’

  • They valued the opportunity to ‘try out new things’ and the ‘nurturing environment’.

You will get:

  • Supported opportunity to teach Barts and The London medical students at your practice (choose 2 out of 3 terms to teach)

  • Support to apply for Associate Fellowship of the HEA (Higher Education Academy)

  • An introduction in Oct 2022, followed by 6 x 3 hour interactive workshops (2-5pm) Dec – May 2022-3. These are eligible for study leave from ST3 training if approved by your trainer. You will be expected to attend all the sessions. Sessions will be virtual and some face-to-face.

Welcome and orientation to medical education session – Weds 5th Oct

Weds 30th Nov, 11th Jan, 25th Jan, 8th Feb, 1st Mar, 19th Apr 2023


We role-model a student-centred interactive approach to the workshops drawing on your own learning and educator experiences. We will share ideas, try things out, share experiences of educating students, reflect together on what is working, what can be improved and engage the pedagogical literature.


This course draws on design-based methods, creative enquiry, systems thinking, pedagogy of kindness and human factors.

Learning Themes/questions to be addressed

There will be a new focus on virtual pedagogy – how best to engage students in the virtual learning environment. We will also address planning, facilitating learning, effective learning environments, feedback, assessment and evaluation (see Programme themes).

Programme facilitation, development and evaluation:

Led by Dr Louise Younie (Clinical Reader in Medical Education), Dr Rofique Ali (GP Innovation Fellow & Local GP partner)