
"Before the emigrant has been at sea a week, he is an altered man. How can it be otherwise? Hundreds of poor people, men, women and children, of all ages, huddled together, without light, without air, wallowing in filth and breathing a fetid atmosphere, sick in body, dispirited in heart ..."

Stephen De Vere's Famine Diary (1847-1848)

Consequences in Profile

The Famine and the Irish Diaspora

The Famine and Liverpool

Grosse Isle

Coffin Ships

Activities on the Consequences of the Great Irish Famine and Commemoration

Click the image to view or download a PowerPoint document with activities on the short-term and long-term consequences of the Great Irish Famine. 

Resource Padlet

Please click on the Padlet above to explore or add further resources on the consequences of the Great Irish Famine