Submissions, presentations, further reading
Recent submission and presentations
Presentation to the Greater Wellington Regional Council on its 2024-34 Long Term Plan
Submission to the Hutt City Council on its 2024-34 Long Term Plan
Presentation to the Hutt City Council on the 2024-34 Long Term Plan submission
Submission to the Wellington City Council on its 2024-34 Long Term Plan
Presentation to the Wellington City Council on the 2024-34 Long Term Plan submission
Older submissions and presentations can be found on this page.
Further reading
Below is a list of books and articles related to the Wellington Harbour and its history.
The Best of Wellington: an insider’s guide, 2nd edition (Sarah Bennett, Wellington, 2004)
Wellington: The First Years of European Settlement 1840-1850, Gavin McLean (Penguin Books, 2000)
Eastbourne: a history of the eastern bays of Wellington harbour, by Ann Beaglehole with Alison Carew (The Historical Society of Eastbourne, Inc., 2001)
Wellington’s Heritage: Plants, Gardens and Landscapes, Winsome Shepherd (Te Papa Press, 2000)
Leading Lights: Lighthouses of New Zealand, photographs by Grant Sheehan, text by Anna Gibbons (Hazard Press, 1991)
Magnitude Eight Plus, Rodney Grapes (Victoria University Press, c2000)
Walking Wellington: 23 Walks of Discovery in and around Wellington, Kathy Ombler (New Holland, 2001)
Wellington and Beyond, photography by Rob Suisted (New Holland Kowhai, 1999)
Wellington: A Capital City, David McGill (Transpress, 2003)
Big Smoke: New Zealand city people in the 60’s and 70’s, photographs by John Daley (Godwit, 2004)
Lord of the Rings Location Guidebook, Ian Brodie (HarperCollins, 2004)
Wildflower City, Alan Knowles & Colin Webb (Manuka Press/Caxton Press, 2000)