This methodological carelessness spills over into considerations of being and existence as well. Because Yahweh is said to slay the firstborn of Egypt (Dt. 32:35) but elsewhere (Jdg. 2:2) an angel of Yahweh is claimed to be the agent, source and redaction criticism allow us to deduce that Yahweh was known earlier to have been an angel (p. 32). In the NT, Jesus as the Power of God and the Wisdom of God is a twofold incarnation which shows that the Christians remembered the Jewish tradition of two great angels. All these peculiarities look like a misunderstanding of some of the straightforward ways in which language is used by real people concerned with something other than perfect consistency, and an overlooking of the comparative lack of concern in Hebrew thought with questions of ontology.

The word Angel found numerous times in the scriptures simply means 'messenger' and can either refer to a heavenly entity who delivers a message from God or a human messenger. There is a difference between an angel and the Angel of the Lord: the Angel of the Lord is the only angel appearing continually throughout the Old Testament referring to himself as the Lord and God in the first person, while the other angels mentioned in the scripture reference to the Lord God as a hallowed third person always humbling themselves and not accepting any type of glory.

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In the Catholic Encyclopedia (1907) Hugh Pope writes: "The earlier Fathers, going by the letter of the text in the Septuagint, maintained that it was God Himself who appeared as the Giver of the Law to Moses. It was not unnatural then for Tertullian [...] to regard such manifestations in the light of preludes to the Incarnation, and most of the Eastern Fathers followed the same line of thought." Pope quotes the view of Theodoret that the angel was probably Christ, "the Only-begotten Son, the Angel of great Counsel", and contrasts Theodoret's view with the view of the Latin Fathers Jerome, Augustine, and Gregory the Great that it was no more than an angel, a view that, he says, "was destined to live in the Church...". Pope quotes Augustine, who declared that "the angel is correctly termed an angel if we consider him himself, but equally correctly is he termed 'the Lord' because God dwells in him." He indicates, however, that within the Catholic Church the opposite view was also upheld.[5]

Thank you all so much. Thank you, Judge Bell for your kind words, and I also thank you for all the kind things youve done for me in my life, especially over the last three or four years. I -- This is a real pleasure to be here. I didnt thing so many people would be interested in what I had to say. There isnt that great a demand for my opinions.

What did "Son of God," "Messiah," and "Lord," mean to the first Christians when they used these words to describe their beliefs about Jesus? In this book Margaret Barker explores the possibility that, in the expectations and traditions of first-century Palestine, these titles belonged together, and that the first Christians fit Jesus' identity into an existing pattern of belief. She claims that pre-Christian Judaism was not monotheistic and that the roots of Christian Trinitarian theology lie in a pre-Christian Palestinian belief about angels--a belief derived from the ancient religion of Israel, in which there was a "High God" and several "Sons of God." Yahweh was a son of God, manifested on earth in human form as an angel or in the Davidic King. Jesus was a manifestation of Yahweh, and was acknowledged as Son of God, Messiah, and Lord. Barker relies on canonical and deutero-canonical works and literature from Qumran and rabbinic sources to present her thoughtful investigation.

Moreover and more importantly, Christophanies magnify the unique wonder of the incarnation by the overwhelming contrast between God temporarily assuming a human form to graciously reveal Himself, and God actually becoming man fully and forever. The incomparable greatness of the incarnation shines brighter by comparison, just as the reality of Christ transcends the shadows, but it also glorified by them.

One of the major functions of the priesthood is that of proclaiming and announcing the word of God. It is the priests who are formally responsible with the study and teaching of the scriptures. Before the return from Babylon the teachers at the weekly sabbatical convocations (essentially a synagogue, as Acts 15:21 said has been the norm from the ancient generations, not an invention of the Second Temple) would all be Levites. Priests and Levites were responsible for blowing the trumpet. The scriptures were liturgically read by priests and Levites during the great feasts.

During the old covenant, angels are holders of the heavenly priesthood. Earthly worship is patterned after the heavenly, and gradually grows closer as God works and molds Israel into maturity, but men do not receive priesthood keys in their own right until the new covenant, when formal authority is transferred from angels to men, as various texts of Old and New Testaments, especially the Epistle to the Hebrews, describes.

Even in times of great hardship and uncertainty, Yahweh has remained a steadfast and loving presence in the lives of his followers. His grace and mercy have provided comfort and strength to those who seek him, and his unfailing love has lifted up the hearts of those who trust in him.

God, also known as Yahweh, is an immensely ancient and powerful Cosmic Entity. He is known as the Creator by the angels and is responsible for creating heaven and, later, hell. He is also the creator of the land and the human race and almost all creatures. God is also the father and creator of Angels and Men and the ruler of heaven.

Then God created Heaven, an ethereal and holy kingdom, destined to be home to Him and His children. He would create man and woman, humans and angels, both in likeness and in character, perfectly and harmoniously, but also different. He made the immortal, winged, heavenly, and strong angels while making human beings divine beings in His image and likeness.

As a result, Satanael gathered an army of rebellious angels and tried to take heaven, but his forces were defeated, so God expelled him and his servants from heaven as punishment. His name was taken from him and he won the title "Ha-Satan" (The Adversary).

After that he created the earth; A paradise. When creating a firmament between Heaven and Earth, which is supposedly a dome of some kind that separated the two, it cannot be accessed by the inhabitants of the Earth, unless God permits. The firmament is then filled with luminaries that become stars and light to mean morning and night. He created the man and woman who would later be known as human beings. The first of these was Adam, created by the Father from the earth in which he gave life. Initially, when God created human beings, He gave them a divine body made of Light and a spiritual essence, which are also powerful energies that make human beings unique. People's souls (like Adam and Eve) had tremendous power and purity. God blessed His two youngest children with great beauty and immortality as long as they never ate the Fruit of the Divine Tree in the center of the Garden of Eden.

Hundreds of thousands of years after Adam and Eve, many gods began to create many mythological beings like yokais, demons, vampires, dragons and other abominations, in addition to sleeping with mortals, created many demigods. Satan has already created many demons, and the fallen angels began to corrupt humans, making them worship nature instead of the creator, in addition to sleeping with the daughters of men, generating many giants of enormous stature, who began to eat humans for want of food.

God was unhappy with humanity for the atrocities he committed. He decided to sweep them all up until he saw Noah's family. He sent an angel to Noah, the angel warned him that God would clean the earth with a flood and that if he wanted to live he would have to build a large ark, enough to accommodate two animals of each species and their family. After watching Noah finish, God sent a great flood to clean up all kinds of creatures on earth.

God loves humanity more than the angels. Gabriel described humans as God's "pride and joy." The proof of this is that God loved the world so much that He sent His only son to earth to die in the name of all mankind because of their sins. Saving many souls from eternal damnation.

However, he does not have a great deal of tolerance when those he seeks out attempt to deliberately go against his plans for them, often using his power to find ways (At times unpleasant or embarrassing ways) to get them back on track.

Being among the oldest and most powerful entities that exist, God has immense power, allowing him to do almost anything he wishes. His power and intelligence are superior to those of angels or any of his creations, he surpasses many other deities, God is the unlimited creator of all life in heaven and on earth. He was worshiped by ancient and modern humans as a supreme being.

Omnificence: God's greatest power is his profound ability to create things out of nothing, capable of creating infinite realities, universes and multiverses for himself and everything that occupies them, including residents, environment and places. God can basically create anything He chooses on an unlimited scale. He created angels, human beings, the earth itself, heaven, hell.

Obed-Edom took a huge risk and must have had great faith in God along with confidence in his children to live alongside the Ark. When David decides months later it is time to take the Ark to Jerusalem, Obed-Edom could have stayed at home, but he decided to go and continue to serve. His love of God and desire for others to know that goodness had cast out all fear. 006ab0faaa

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