The Old Smithy

A Smithy stood in Mill Lane for many years until it was demolished and Greenwood Terrace was built on its site. The Terrace has a datestone showing 1895. A later, final Smithy was built on the opposite side of Mill Lane c1896.

The tithe map of 1849 shows plot 165 (highlighted) as Cottage, Smithy and Garden though a later document (below) shows that a beerhouse or public house was situated on this plot. It is very likely that the cottage was the beerhouse.

1850 Bagshaw's History, Gazetteer & Directory of the County Palatine of Chester

The Inclosure Award of 1869 describes tithe plot 165 as "A messuage or public house, smithy and garden with their appurtenances". The Persons Interested (usually means landowner or business owner) are shown as "William Hodgson And Mary his wife, Edward Realey Ann his wife, and ??? Macaffrey, Frankby near Birkenhead, Farmer ". The beerhouse had an appropriate name - the Horse Shoe.

The later, final Smithy would be built on the island at the road junction, just above plot 109 on the tithe map.

1869 Inclosure Award entry for tithe plot 165 - property description and names of Persons Interested (usually means landowner)