
The library has occupied three premises.
It opened as Cheshire County Council Library on 1 April 1940 at 41 Greasby Road on the corner of Well Lane, a building which had previously housed the Lychgate Cafe. That building now houses a firm of solicitors.
Around 1956 the library moved to the buildings which had originally been the
Smallpox Isolation Hospital at 158A Greasby Road. Clovelly Court now sits on that site.
The library moved to its present location on 13 September 1986. The purpose-made building cost £200,000.

(Left) 1955 map. The library at its original location, the junction of Greasby Road and Well Lane. It was here from 1940 to 1956.

(Right) Photo - The original premises in use in 2021.

(Left) 1984 map. The library's second location, at 158A Greasby Road. It was here from 1956 to 1986.

(Right) Photo of the library building, previously the Smallpox Isolation Hospital.

(Left) The library's present (2021) building. Since late 2020 it has been used as a Covid-19 testing centre.

(Right) Opening ceremony commemorative plaque.