Update: 2024-03-04


The GRC summer internship program aims to foster emerging researchers in biotechnology and genome science by encouraging both domestic and international undergraduate students majoring in biomedical science, chemistry, engineering, and related disciplines to participate.

We provide a high-quality environment, cutting-edge facilities, and comprehensive training courses to assist students with research potential in successfully completing relevant specialized research projects.

Undergraduate students majoring in biomedical science, chemistry, engineering, and other related disciplines are eligible to apply for the program. (Applicants must maintain their student status or hold admission to colleges, universities, or graduate schools.)

In principle, the internship period is from July 1st to August 31st, but the actual schedule may be adjusted based on the regulations and requirements of the individual participating laboratory.

Please ensure that the online application is completed by April 30th. Applicants are suggested to specify 1-3 preferred research laboratories for their internship. Additionally, applicants are expected to provide a brief statement detailing their motivation and anticipated goals for participation. Supporting documentation such as academic transcripts, experiences, letters of recommendation, or any other relevant materials that can strengthen the application should also be included. If a recommendation letter is provided by the professor, please email it directly to pschien@gate.sinica.edu.tw before the deadline.

The list of admitted students will be announced on both the Summer Internship and GRC websites in late May. Admission letters will be sent out individually via email.

Upon completion of the project and its review and approval by the project supervisor, GRC will issue certificates to the students. Additionally, during the final results presentation competition and graduation ceremony, additional certificates will be awarded to outstanding presenters.

Sandra Chien
E-mail: pschien@gate.sinica.edu.tw
TEL: 02-2787-1286

E-mail: shihlin@gate.sinica.edu.tw
TEL: 02-2789-8735