GRBL is a firmware for arduino boards(uno,nano,Duemillanove) that controls stepper motors and spindles/lasers. GRBL uses gcode as input and outputs signals via the arduino pins.

Most industrial cnc machines uses parallel port controller that requires Those big purple connectors. Because GRBL arduino boards you just hook it up to a free usb port.

Grbl is compatible with all atmega 328 based arduino boards, meaning that you could use a uno or a nano but not the mega as its atmega 2560 based. The arduino mega is used in alot of 3d printer because of its more powerful processor but because of the relatively easy tasks of a cnc mill the arduino uno is enough.

Grbl Arduino Uno Download


To connect your motor drivers and arduino you can use a pre-made board like the popular arduino uno cnc shield or build your own. Building your own is pretty easy but can take alot of time. There are also arduino nano based boards made specially for laser cutting.

Now with firmware on your board you need to adapt grbl to your specific machine. To communicate with your board you need to open the arduino ide serial monitor. You should see a message like this "Grbl x.xj ['$' for help]" if you dont see the message, make sure that your are connected to the correct port and use the baudrate of 115200.

Some settings (like corexy setup,variable spindle) needs to be changed trough the config.h. You find the config file in the arduino library folder for grbl. The file has instructions and should be pretty straight forward to edit. When you have edited the config file you need to reupload the sketch to your board.

Hopefully This instructables was helpful and your cnc machine is up and running!

If something is wrong/missing feel free to point it out in the comments.

Hello there

I have the same machine. To upload from arduino IDE, you have to reduce the baud rate to 56k.

There are many Gcode senders for Linux. Try bCNC. Its kind of user friendly.

I am not a linux Guru :). But a friend helped me to setup the software on a raspberry pi.

Also note that if you are planning to install limit switches for homing function, please be careful as the board that i got has a wrong legend for X and Z axis.

I could identify it only through Universal Gcode platform and then i corrected it.


Hi there. I'm Elisha Mbise From United republic of Tanzania. I'm about to build my punching CNC;I will need only X-Y motions to make any pattern I want. The punching stroke will be stationary as usual.

Would grbl be compatible? ( I wanna use Arduino and it's shield and drivers).

Dear sir

In my case axis X Y Z moves in manual OK

By sending the .nc file machine starts but in the middle of the program machine stops for few sec while from the grbl program is sending continue

After few sec machine starts again stop for few sec

grazie per la rapida risposta. ho scritto male la domanda. vorrei montare come spindle, brushless motor or laser diode they news pwm to work, but cNc shield v3.0 is not compatible with grbl 0.9 infact

For Grbl v0.9 with variable spindle PWM ENABLED: (NOTE: The Z-limit and the spindle enable pin are swapped, because we had to access the hardware PWM on D11 for variable spindle PWM output to work.)

thanks for the quick reply. I wrote the wrong question. I would like to mount as a spindle, brushless motor or laser diode news they pwm to work, but CNC shield v3.0 is not compatible with grbl 0.9 infact on product site They write:

For Grbl v0.9 with variable spindle PWM ENABLED: (NOTE: The Z-limit and the spindle enable pin are swapped, because we had to access the hardware PWM on D11 for variable spindle PWM output to work.)

Can you help me?

Grbl 0.8c responds as expected to commands of the form g1 x2 return ? return entered to the IDE serial monitor. I was initially puzzled by behavior of the ? command but it acts as intended and documented. I discovered g91 permits relative motion and g90 switches back to absolute. Grbl appears to work as viewed through the serial port but I see no drive when the I/O pins are probed. Even though I can see the same pins respond to non grbl code.

Is there some applicable difference between the UNO and the Mega? Is pin 8 Stepper Enable/Disable an input? Does the compiler glitch with the 2650? I tried to load 0.9j without success even from Ubuntu on my netbook. The 1.0.5 IDE appears to be the latest ARM version for the Pi, should it support grbl?

Hello, I want to know if I can move steppers manually (via Arduino code) with the CNC Shield and without grbl, is for a personal proyect, and the L298N module doesnt work fine with steppers (a lot of vibrations), the idea is create a sketch with all steps the motors will do, and run it, using the CNC Shield, I try with the A4988 drivers with Arduino code, but doesnt work properly, and I dont know why, all connections are ok, voltage and amps too, please help me!! Thanks in advance.


I have a problem maybe you can help me, with a v.3.0 shield all 3 axes work ok but if I clone one of them it only spins in one direction, already tried different grbl versions all have the same problem. Any idea? Thanks

Hi, I have a problem with my cnc plotter. I installed grbl 0.9i and I have cnc shild arduino v3.0. I use the Universal Gcode Platform software. When I pass the Jog controller mode and press the X + button, the pen slides diagonally. The X + and Y axis work. I changed the step-thistles but it did not do anything. Stepper motors are connected well. What could be wrong?

I want to change my original controller for my 3018 laser to arduino + cnc shield since the USB port will give out soon and I have the arduino +cnc shield just gathering dust. Trying to figure out stuff, once I put 12V on the +/- of the laser even without anything connected to the PWM lead, the laser fires up @100% so I figured that I need some kind of relay/switching.

Hello in arduino grbl v 0.9 or higher the pins that control the laser are by default 11 and 13. In grbl, the parameter $ 32 = 1 (laser enable) must be configured, so that it works as a laser machine. Pin 11 is PWM and controls the laser power. Values are assigned by gcode with parameter S between 0 and 1000, where 1000 = 100%. Pin 13 is Laser On (5V), it can go to a relay to energize the laser module, also the laser module can be directly energized since Pin 11 (PWM) controls whether it turns on or not. To focus the laser the minimum power S = 1 is used, example: M3 S1

G1 X0.1 F1

This will activate the laser at 0.1% power so it can be easily focused. to turn off simply use the code M5

This can be done, there is a post of someone who has dont at least much of the

work but it needs to be checked and see if it can get into the upstream grbl (as

a compile time option, not a runtime option just due to space limits on the


hey man , i am working with a machine that functions same as a 3D printer that has 3 Stepper motor , and this machine functions with arduino and raspberry , and they are supposed to run at same time , couldyou please send me a copy of your program maybe a video on how to integrate the G code sender with them cards , my email is please man i really need your help , as for anyone who is able to read this .

The 6040 CNC has 3x DM542 stepper drivers. Initially the "PUL+" and "DIR+" pins were linked together to +5v, and "PUL-" and "DIR-" were driven by the USB board. I had a bit of trouble getting Grblto drive it like this, but after I image searched for something like "arduino dm542 wiring", I found this image: e24fc04721

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