GRAphics & VIsualization  sTudY  Research Group 

GRAVITY research group was established in 1999 by Prof. Han-Wei Shen.  The main research directions of the group are large-scale data analysis & visualizationcomputer graphics, human-computer interaction and high-performance computing. The group conducts cutting-edge research in data analysis and visualization for various scientific, medical and information technology applications. Visualization research is at a unique intersection of computer graphics and data analysis and mining. It has been playing an increasingly important role in a wide range of disciplines such as computational sciences, biomedical imaging, visual analytics, and social network data analysis.  Over the years, GRAVITY research group has successfully collaborated with a large number of scientists and domain-experts from a wide variety of disciplines to offer visualization solutions. The group has consistently published its research in some of the top-tier journals and conferences in the field of visualization, computer graphics, human-computer interaction and high-performance computing. Over the past 18 years, the research has been support by NSF, DOE, NIH, and NASA.  The group is now part of the DOE’s SciDAC Institute on Scalable Data Management, Analysis, and Visualization.    

Currently, GRAVITY research group comprises of 10 Ph.D. students.  To date,  the group has graduated 26 Ph.D. students, currently working across various national laboratories, universities, and industry positions.