Graduate Student School Outreach Program 

at Cornell University


The Graduate Student School Outreach Program (GRASSHOPR) pairs Cornell graduate students with teachers in Tompkins, Ontario, and surrounding counties to teach 3- to 5-session mini-courses on topics related to the graduate student's field or interests. Teachers and graduate students share the benefits of exchanging ideas as they develop a curriculum, while K-12 students experience new mentors eager to share knowledge and excitement about their field of study.

Check us out In the News! and follow our new Instagram account:


2022-2023 GRASSHOPR Fellows and Board Members

Graduate Students

Huge thanks to everyone who submitted - you will hear from us soon!

Need help designing your course? Check out our course design Cheat-sheet!

Want to see last year's course descriptions as examples? Check them out here!

Want to learn more? Register for an informational session to get your questions answered and connect with other prospective fellows:

September 25th 5-6 PM (Hybrid option - Pizza Provided!)

September 26th 5-6 PM - Humanities/Social Sciences Graduate Student Info Session

September 28th 12 PM - Last minute drop in hours (zoom only)


Applications for the upcoming year are now closed! You will receive match emails soon!

What do our participants say about GRASSHOPR? 

"GRASSHOPR offered the unique opportunity for me to share my scientific interests with students just beginning to understand the natural world. It was very rewarding to see the enthusiasm the students shared for the material I was presenting, asking truly fundamental questions." - Fellow

“Previous to this, I was pretty confident that I wanted to teach at the University level. Now I think I would be just as happy teaching at the high school or middle school level." - Fellow

"I left the first GRASSHOPR course thinking ‘I want to teach 4th graders.’ The GRASSHOPR experience reinforced my goals to pursue multi-age education and outreach as at least a component of my future career.” - Fellow

"The best part of my experience was when students came up after class to ask how I got to where I was. The nature of my course exposed students to careers in several different education levels and interests within the food/agriculture sector (academic, regulatory, agriculture, nutrition, food industry, transportation, health department, retail), so I think it gave some insight into or options for alternative careers paths (which was one of the course goals)." - Fellow

“Students were able to see this really cool young person who was a working scientist. This really broke down some mental barriers. It was great for them to hear about her work in the field.”  - Teacher 

“The students offer a perspective which I cannot provide. I loved how it was all females in STEM to serve as role models for the students due to the gender gap in the STEM field.”  - Teacher

The GRASSHOPR program helped our Science curriculum come alive! We may have been working through screens, but every single student was connected, engaged, and taking part in thrilling hands-on learning.”  - Teacher

“The GRASSHOPR program was engaging and different. It was a great experience, and the kids were sad when it was over. It felt so good to have a parent message me with the following: "This project is all my kid has been talking about over dinner this week!" - Teacher

“The graduate students brought insight and fresh learning into the classroom environment. They were a great role model for my female students about women in science.”  - Teacher

This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University.