Im on a mac and im trying since 2 days to make anything close to the op first image. everything i download that i believe should work is missing components, i have installed sooooo many add ons for grasshopper but still theres always a white box representing a missing function.

Many other solutions look like they are the setup for making life on mars, 290 different tools and boxes connected is needed to create one voronoi? What am i missing? Am i missing IQ? In that case im truly fucked and i need to learn a simpler trade but i hope its something else : )

Grasshopper Voronoi Script Download


Hi Marinus,

If a Multi curved surface is a double curved surface, then you can create the voronoi on a flat rectangle bellow or above the surface. After that interest those 2d voronoi curves with surface.

Either solve a 3D voronoi and intersect it with the surface. The problem here might be that if the surface has detail that is significantly smaller than the voronoi cells, you can get weird intersections. Also the edges of open surfaces could be problematic. This approach also requires 3D voronoi and Brep|Brep intersections, which are both slow operations.

The other approach means you 'unfold' the surface, solve the voronoi in the flat plane and then push it back onto the original surface. Problem here is that it doesn't work well on closed surface seams (as far as the voronoi diagram is concerned, the surface stops at the edge) and that surface parameterization can distort the solution. If the surface is very stretched in one location and very compressed in the other, the voronoi edges will reflect that.

In this example we can make a new ghPhython component that combines the standard Grasshopper Voronoi component and the Grasshopper Area components. Within one GhPython component the voronoi curves are created and the cell centroid points are output.

There are a few techniques that can make working with ghpythonlib.components easier.It is quite helpful and simplifies the code greatly if the proper Type Hint is set on the Input of the Python component. Setting the Type Hint to a specific data type will give the script direct access to the objects. Without the Type Hint a lot more data checking and conversion may be necessary. For instance in a case where points are expected as input, set Type Hint > Point3D. This assures the GhPython components passes in actual point objects to Python. This is especially important for any inputs expecting geometry objects.

While the Grasshopper canvas will not be visible during this operation, it is worth noting that Grasshopper will load up the first time you call into the ghpythonlib assembly. This can take a couple seconds the first time you run the script in Rhino.

calling qdelauny requires a new parse function for the output. please refer to qhull manual for an exact description on how to call qdelauny properly and get the right kind of output (which differs completely from what qvoronoi throws out with the included options).

I wanted to take the time and thank you. Your work as been an inspiration for my experiments in use of minimal surfaces i did in a shadow study on lighting. Thanks for the qhull script and keep up the great work.

Hi Dimitri,

first i want to say thanks for share your great work.

I am a beginner with grasshopper and scripting and i was wondering if exist a easy way to get each vonoroi region in a closed brep surface ? by this I mean to have the output of the algorithm as a list of solids and not a list of surfaces?

We are using grasshopper, but we are very very new to it. We downloaded the voroni file, however we are having trouble attaching our surface file to the voroni file. If you could let us know that would be great. Two blondes being clueless.

Potential technical issues are that the voronoi diagram will only work for a load take down application if the slab is a flat slab. If load paths are complicated by beams that stiffen certain areas more than others, this will make the voronoi diagram invalid for load take down. Also, the design team must take into account elastic shear effects for this method to be valid which will require significant engineering judgement to arrive at the proper factors for internal/external columns for specific situations.

I am relatively new to rhino and grasshopper but have knowledge about 3d objects from some years in blender. I need to create an organic shape that looks something like the pictures at the bottom (Especially the first one and also that last one).It is very important to me that it is tileable and 3d. I found some tutorials, but it's never something that really looks how I want it to. I thought about creating it somehow with a physics plugin like kangoroo but I don't know how. Also the repeating, tileable method would be hard there. I also thought about not even using grasshopper but creating that stylie with a subsurf. But It might not be the same.

I wanted to ask, if someone knows how to create such a pattern, and what way you would approach it. Do you have a tutorial or a script you could share with me ? Maybe also a website where part of it gets explained and I can read myself into it. Or maybe you could give me a rough node setup and I go step for step through it to understand it. I would be very grateful. And I would appreciate it alot. Thanks in advance!

Otherwise to achieve something with Grasshopper, I think you should look up Grasshopper tutorials on voronoi patterns. There are 2 main approaches I can think of, once you generate the curves of the voronoi pattern (or whatever other pattern you end up using):

The Mosquito Plugin I used is a way to find water flow direction based on a topography. A quite simple script, you must first take topography lines and create a surface with the Patch command in Rhino. Unfortunately this does not always lead to a completely accurate topo...

May I ask you to apply some improvements on your priceless code?

Could you set limit to vertex quantity, to stop script working if it is higher than some amount, or split object to parts by 20 000 verts? Blender crashes if it selected object has got more than about 50 000 verts =) 9af72c28ce

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