Call for papers 

Aligned with ICPE, the conference where the performance engineering, software engineering, and system design communities can meet, GraphSys'23 is the first Workshop on Serverless, Extreme-Scale, and Sustainable Graph Processing Systems. GraphSys is a cross-disciplinary meeting venue focusing on state-of-the-art and emerging (future) graph processing systems. 

We welcome submissions from experts and trainees in the field, across academia, industry, governance, and society, aiming to share experience and expertise leading to a shared body of knowledge, to contribute to a joint vision for the field, and to engage with the topics to foster new approaches, techniques, and solutions. 

Paper submission

We welcome submissions via EasyChair of full-papers (6 pages), and short- or position papers (4 pages) on the GraphSys topics of interest.  

Topics of interest for GraphSys-2023 include:

All submissions are required in PDF format and will be sent via EasyChair. 

Important dates

Papers submission deadline: February 15, 2023 (extended, firm deadline)

Author notification: February 20, 2023

Camera-ready papers: Feb 24, 2023

Workshop date: April 15 or 16, 2023