SHARING BEAUTY: " likely one of the best ways to cross cultural and political boundaries that might otherwise keep us at odds with one another. And in today’s divisive world, this may be one of the best reasons for sharing moments and insights into nature — it is a common thread to get people communicating when they might not otherwise talk together. ..
"This is where social media can actually be a benefit. Sharing nature images and stories builds bridges and, like a spider’s web, helps us to find connections with people we might otherwise have little in common with or even disagree with. Resist the temptation to criticize or critique and just enjoy the image or story for what it is and pass it along...
"Nature is powerful medicine. But medicine is only of value if it is shared. However, if you choose to share, share often. We will all benefit." ... from "Sharing nature with others" by Terry Thomas, Post Register,  Idaho Falls, ID,  June 26, 2022. 

PHOTOGRAPHING Nature Nature #2 Nature @ Facebook Photography @ Facebook Description  Importance Night sky
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