How To Find Free Scholarships For Felons: What You Need To Know

If you’re a felon, you know there are few opportunities to pursue higher education because of the stigma attached. But what if there was a way for you to take advantage of free scholarships specifically designed for felons? In this article, we'll discuss how felons can find free scholarships and navigate the process of applying for them. From understanding eligibility criteria to searching through databases, we'll provide an overview of what you need to know so that you can gain access to the education you deserve. So let's get started!

The Importance of Education

Incarceration can have a major impact on an individual’s ability to find employment after release. According to a study by the Prison Policy Initiative, the unemployment rate for formerly incarcerated people is 27 percent, which is more than four times the national average. A lack of education is one of the main contributors to this high unemployment rate.

Education can provide individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to find good jobs. It can also help them develop other important skills, such as problem solving and critical thinking. Furthermore, studies have shown that education reduces recidivism rates. In fact, according to a study by the RAND Corporation, every dollar invested in prison education programs saves four dollars in future incarceration costs.

Despite these benefits, many formerly incarcerated individuals do not have access to education opportunities. This is often due to financial constraints or a lack of information about available programs. However, there are a number of organizations that offer free or low-cost scholarships for felons. These scholarships can cover the cost of tuition, books, and other educational expenses.

The following are some organizations that offer free or low-cost scholarships for felons:

• The American Association for State Criminal Justice Planners: This organization offers scholarships of up to $5,000 for eligible individuals who are interested in pursuing careers in criminal justice planning.

• The National Institute of Justice: This institute offers grants of up to $20,000 for eligible individuals who are interested in pursuing

How to Find Free Scholarships for Felons

There are a few ways to search for free scholarships for felons. The first way is to use an online search engine such as Google or Bing. Type in “free scholarships for felons” and see what comes up. You may be surprised at the number of results that come up.

Another way to find free scholarships for felons is to contact your local community college or university and ask if they know of any scholarships that might be available to you. Many colleges and universities have programs in place specifically for students who have been previously incarcerated.

You can also check with organizations that work with ex-offenders or provide support services for them. These organizations may have information about scholarships or other financial assistance programs that can help you pay for college.

Finally, you can always contact the financial aid office at the college you’re interested in attending and ask about any scholarship opportunities that might be available to you. Don’t be afraid to ask about scholarships specifically for felons – many schools have programs in place specifically designed to help students with criminal backgrounds succeed in college.

The Types of Scholarships Available

There are a few different types of scholarships available for felons. The most common type is the need-based scholarship, which is awarded based on the student's financial need. These types of scholarships are usually awarded by the government or private organizations. Another type of scholarship available for felons is the merit-based scholarship, which is awarded based on the student's academic achievement or other merits. These types of scholarships are usually awarded by private organizations or colleges. There are also a limited number of scholarships available specifically for felons, which are usually awarded by private organizations or individuals.

How to Apply for Scholarships

If you have a felony on your record, you might think that your only options for financial aid are student loans. But there are actually a variety of scholarships available to felons. You just need to know where to look.

Here are some tips on how to find free scholarships for felons:

1. Do your research. There are a number of websites that list scholarships specifically for felons. Take some time to explore these options and see what’s available.

2. Check with your local community college or university. Many schools offer scholarships and other forms of financial aid to students with criminal records.

3. Speak with an admissions counselor or financial aid officer at the school you’re interested in attending. They can tell you what opportunities are available and help you navigate the process.

4. Be honest about your past when applying for scholarships. Most organizations offering this type of funding will require you to disclose your criminal history on the application form. Be upfront about your convictions and explain how you’ve changed since then.

5. Follow directions and meet deadlines when applying for scholarships. Make sure you understand the requirements and take care to submit all required materials by the deadline date.

If you take the time to do your research, you’ll be surprised at the number of scholarships for felons that are out there waiting to be claimed


Finding free scholarships for felons can be a difficult and often times frustrating process. However, if you know where to look and what scholarships are available to you, it doesn't have to be so hard. With this guide we hope that we've been able to help you understand the different types of free scholarships that are available for felons as well as some tips on finding them. We wish you luck in your search! 

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