Social Emotional Learning at Home

Feeling Words

Providing children with the language to express themselves empowers deeper communication and understanding between child and parent. Check out this list of feeling words to support kinder through 5th graders. Please Share how you use these words in your home to communicate more efficiently with your child.


RULER is a systemic approach to Social Emotional Learning (aka SEL) developed at the Center for Emotional Intelligence. We are practicing RULER strategies at Grandview in order to become "emotional scientists" and cultivate habits for happier states of mind.

RULER brochure for more information.

Permission to Feel- Book Club

Educators at Grandview this year are coming together to read Permission to Feel, by Marc Brackett. In this book, Marc Brackett inspires the reader to become an "emotional scientist", combining research, educational practice, and storytelling to help reflect on our experience and ever-changing emotions. If you are interested in learning more, please email GV Instructional Coach,