Napoleon Bonyparts

Napoleon Bonyparts joined our Grandparents group some three years ago.

He died while waiting for meaningful action on climate change.  

But that did not stop him: not one bit!

He has returned in spirit, and in bones, to support our actions (he thinks he leads us).  

He is one of our best ambassadors.  But sometimes we need to restrain his language, just as little, because he gets so passionate about the greed and foolishness of our fossil fuel corporate criminals, and the parliamentarians who slavishly do their bidding.     (Napoleon demanded that we insert that note into his biography).

If you see him at one of our actions, do go up and have a chat.  He loves to share his passion for climate action. 

We think you will love him.  We love him and what he does for climate action.  We have even written him an ode.