Grammar Slides for English Learners

A Note for the Instructor

A note for the instructor

These open educational resource materials consist of presentation slides intended for use in an intermediate English as a Second Language (ESL) classroom. Please read the attached note for suggestions regarding classroom use and adaptation. All materials are licensed BY SA NC under Creative Commons.

1-Present Tense Verbs w-happiness

Present Tense Verbs: Simple and Continuous

Theme: The Pursuit of Happiness

2-Past simple and continuous verbs w-Happiness

Past Tense Verbs: Simple and Continuous

Theme: The Pursuit of Happiness

Slide Set Revision Project

This folder contains instructions for a genre-based open pedagogy assignment for intermediate adult ESL students. The project is a fun way to add meaning and context to your grammar instruction and encourage students to contribute their own OER. Students work in groups to revise the slide sets by adding their own example sentences based on the classroom themes. The project assignment takes approximately five weeks to complete.

3-Past Simple and Continuous verbs w-survival

Past Tense Verbs: Simple and Continuous

Theme: Survival

4-Present Perfect Tense w-happiness

Present Perfect Tense

Theme: The Pursuit of Happiness

5-Present Perfect Continuous and contrast to present perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Theme: Screen Technology Addiction

12-Modals and Phrasal Modals-Technology Addiction

Modals and Modal Phrases

Theme: Screen Technology Addiction

6-Forming Questions-survival

Forming Questions: Yes/No and Information Questions

Theme: Survival

7-Past perfect and Past Perfect Continuous Tenses w-survival

Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous

Theme: Survival

8-Future Tense and Real Conditionals w-happiness

Future Tenses and Future Time Clauses

Theme: The Pursuit of Happiness

9-Real and Unreal Conditionals w-happiness

Real and Unreal Conditionals

Theme: The Pursuit of Happiness

10-Real and Unreal Conditionals w-survival

Real and Unreal Conditionals

Theme: Survival

11-Gerunds and Infinitives w-happiness

Gerunds and Infinitives for Sentence Variety

Theme: The Pursuit of Happiness

Future Tense clauses-technology SP19

Future Tense and Future Tense Clauses: Student Revision

Theme: Screen Technology Addiction

Simple Sentences

Simple Sentences: Low Intermediate Review

Theme: People and Places

Compound Sentences

Compound Sentences

Theme: People and Places

What is a Verb?

Verbs: Introduction and Overview

Theme: People and Places

Descriptive Adjectives-People and Places

Descriptive Adjectives

Theme: People and Places

11.5-Gerunds and Infinitives w-profiles

Gerunds and Infinitives for Sentence Variety

Theme: Profiles

Present Tense Verbs w-People and Places

Present Tense Verbs: Simple and Continuous

Theme: People and Places

Adverbs-people and places


Theme: People and Places

2-Past simple and continuous verbs w-Profiles

Past tense: Simple and Continuous

Theme: Getting to Know You

Forming Questions-profiles

Forming Questions

Theme: Getting to Know You

11.5-Gerunds and Infinitives w-profiles

Gerunds and Infinitives

Theme: Getting to Know You