Privacy Policy

Welcome to Parking driver, This is a mobile Game is a car parking simulator designed to experience driving and parking cars. We, as a Designraf team, we respect your privacy.

This Privacy Policy explains our privacy practices for this game. It describes how we collect personally identifiable information, use it and share it, and the rights and options available to you with respect to your information.

It is your decision to provide us with your personal information. You are not legally obligated to provide us with this information.


We collect information on your use of the App: advertising ID, your mobile operating system and information about the way you use the App. We will keep the information in our servers (but in no event, we will collect or retain information you submitted to the App).


We are using the following third-party services: AdMob that may also collect information about your use of the App. Any integration with such services are subject to those services’ privacy policies, not this Policy.


You can contact us with any questions or comments at: