I am almost at the end of the 1st nine weeks (1st quarter) and all my grades have been put into the 4th quarter in the grade book. I have tried to export and then import them into the correct quarter, but that hasn't worked.

In the admin settings, grading periods can be determined by date. If you already changed your due dates to try and get them into this quarter, it sounds like there's a date wrong in the admin settings somewhere. I would contact your district's technical department for help.

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Our school uses the acronym CARE for expectations across the school, so I made sure mine aligned with the same acronym. I introduced my expectations, and we practiced them. I also made sure to call out when I saw students following them. Writing this post reminds me that we are due to revisit them.

The first routine I developed was our morning routine. I thought through all of the things I needed students to do in the morning, and came up with the steps they would need to follow. I quickly turned the steps into pictures to make them easier to notice and follow, particularly for my ENL students.

At the end of each day, I call out the top 3 point earners for the day to get a piece of candy. Often there are ties, so the top 3 can easily be 6-7 students. I also have a leader board that shows our top point earners for the week.

The strike tally resets at the end of every school day. Usually one strike is enough to get students back on track. Occasionally I give two strikes. When that happens I chat with the student before or after study hall to let them know why they are in study hall, reiterate my expectations, and ask how I can help them be successful in meeting my expectations. Only once so far this year has a student earned 3 strikes.

The 4th grade team at my school keeps the laptops at school. This means we have to have a way to keep the laptops and chargers organized. Last year I had them spread around the classroom. It resulted in charging cables becoming tangled constantly. This year, I was inspired to try something different.

One thing I need to do as we move into the second quarter is revisit expectations for turn and talks and working in pairs. With everything else I got up and running at the start of the year, I did not give sufficient time to model and practice these skills.

This year, I bought a set of zippered pouches. Now each student keeps a zippered pouch in their desk. Inside is their mini white board, a marker, and an eraser. When I want to use mini white boards, students are able to get them out quickly and get to work.

Once every six days, instead of doing personalized instruction and small groups, we engage in a whole-class number sense routine. My students last year LOVED these activities, and I want to be sure I continue using them. How can you say no to a math activity where students literally cheer at the end every time? These activities bring me joy as much as my students.

This year my district adopted iReady Mathematics Classroom. There are things I like about it, but one area where it fell flat on its face was in Unit 1 with number sense around multi-digit numbers. After spending a few days introducing reading and writing multi-digit numbers, students then spent a few days on comparing multi-digit numbers. This was a bumpy start to the year considering that my students had only worked with numbers up to 999 before 4th grade.

We are a K-12 institution that operates on a standard 4 quarter school year. This is our first year using Canvas. We're having some difficulty figuring out how to get quarter grades which can be loaded into our SIS to generate report cards. The grade export report will work for Q1 because that is the start of the school year, but that report will aggregate over the course of the year. I need to be able to see just Q2 grades, e.g. Nov 1 to Dec 30, then Q3 Jan 1 to March 1 etc. Canvas does not seem to have any report that exports grades and is date driven. Their standard answer is to use "terms", but that doesn't really make any sense for a year long 5th grade math class. if we set up a term for every quarter, then you'd have to re-enroll all students in the course, you'd lose the continuity of one canvas site for a year etc.

We are a high school of 1200+ students and 75 classroom teachers. We, too, are 1st year Canvas users. As a Canvas admin user, in course settings and features, I enabled Multiple Grading Periods and created the date ranges for each quarter. At the Grading area, Settings, the grading periods were created. There can be no overlap of dates at this time. (It will be helpful to correct this aspect.)

Every assignment that is assigned to "Everyone" and given a due date will appear in the Grading period for that date range. There is a bug, though. Any differentiated assignment will default to the last grading period. This wasn't too much of a problem for Quarter One but cannot stay this way going forward.

When the quarter period date range is over, teachers cannot edit grades in the Grades area. We used Speedgrader for the assignment to change the grades or handle grades for those students who had incompletes.

Joe, There is a movement already underway in this area: Differentiated Assignments not in Gradebook Grading Period also (Please Vote for this request). What Linda mentioned is good. Right now Canvas is about to insert a fix to the Gradebook in how it handles mutliple grading periods and differentiated assignments (multiple due dates) in the BETA instances, we hear this weekend. Then a week or so for regression testing, then insert into Production. We are all waiting for this.

Until the Bug above is fixed, we are asking our Teachers to NOT use Differentiated Assignments for Q2. So long as they leave "Everyone" in the Assign to: it should reflect an accurate date-driven view of Quarter 2 grading period and Total. Hope this is helpful.

Of course you have my vote. The whole grading period feature though is a little silly without some mechanism to get data (grades) out of the system by quarter. We will be pushing Canvas hard for this. It is basic functionality for a K12 organization.

If you are the Canvas admin for your school, be warned. I have spent my morning hearing from upset teachers and talking with Canvas tech support who very kindly have told me that they are aware of these glitches and are working to correct them.

My advice: Don't use grading periods until these things are fixed or you'll waste a lot of your day smoothing teacher anxiety with workarounds once your school moves into the magic next time zone of another grading period.

All, the fix was pushed into BETA this evening (10/12). I have tested my instance and it works properly now for Multiple Grading Periods with Differentiated Assignments (or non-diff assignments). Please test your BETA instance and let your CSM know. I heard they wanted to hear back it was working b4 pushing into production. Maybe it will go into production tomorrow.

I believe Instructure is listening, and this is almost in reach. We do need to insist on the matching grade period/section exports. Their platform is robust in all other areas and getting better each day.

Hello Nathaniel, both issues and any like them affect us in k-12 for sure, whether quarters or trimesters or.... The production fix is close, so the multiple grading periods should be resolved very soon, the BETA fix proved they had the proper code, so we are almost done with this problem. There is a known issue with the grading periods where edits past the end date aren't possible, I am still following to see if that clears up. Many have mentioned to not assign MGP at the account level and just 'allow' it, so that Teachers can control the dates, we elected to leave it at the account level and adjust the dates to get final stuff in for Q1 then adjust back to original end dates. For the 2nd question, the assignment group (category) is where you weight, and unfortunately there isn't a term weight, but in our case and maybe others, there is still a SIS behind the scenes that needs the end of term total and we weight there for our Q1+Q2+SemesterExam=Sem Total. The Instructure team is paying close attention as all this grading mess has caused many K-12 Teachers grief. I think they will get it right and very soon.

From the 'gradebook view' export you get the group Totals in the .csv, but from the account level export you get the Current and Final, no group Totals. Maybe dragging assignments into a non-weighted assignment group to get a total would work in this case, but it would be within the course

Thanks, Jason. I'm just the on-campus Canvas trainer, and an English teacher, so I don't really understand all the technical stuff. I'll forward your post to my school's technology coordinator. We tried the new fix in beta yesterday afternoon and it still didn't work. We'll cross our fingers that it get fixed soon since we are already in second quarter.

The grading quarters is really our only option too, but we need some way to get the data out of Canvas by quarter, i.e. there needs to be a report with filter. This has to happen now. And I totally agree that we don't have time for 'votes'.

I did notice though that if an assignment has no due date is lands at the end in the last grading period (for us Q4). Seems to be a default, so I am wondering if better to just not show an assignment/quiz/graded discussion with no due date (effectively hiding them from gradebook until a due date is assigned). What do you think would be appropriate here? A community vetting would be good.

Now I really need to be able to pull specifically 2nd nine weeks grades (not final averages) for my classes. I am reading here that it is in production - is that only for the teacher to be able to do this? Or for Admins? 152ee80cbc

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