I'm assuming from my experience with Canadian academia that this is a test that is taken in class, you turn it in at the end of the period, and then your professor either gives them back, graded, or allows you to come to their office and see your graded test.

He showed them one of their answers, and asked them to elaborate.If people could give some background information, their thinking process, etc, the whole thing took less than 5 minutes, and people just left with their graded assignment.People who cheated could usually not tell him anything except what they had written and he failed them.

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Case #2002/2003-78--Two Juniors participated in unauthorized collaboration on an assignment, turning in similar/same answers on a homework assignment. The Associate Professor was not amused, especially when one of the Juniors at first denied copying the assignment of the other Junior, but later acknowledged the Honor Pledge Violation. The Associate Professor decided to sanction the two Juniors by requiring them to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. In addition, the two Juniors were required to do the assignment in question again, this time individually. Case Closed.


Case #2002/2003-77--A first-year student was alleged by an Instructor to have plagiarized an assignment. The clues included a submitted paper that was twice the length required, many more sources than were required, an outline of the paper that was not required, and a critiqued draft of the identical paper submitted by the student's roommate for the same course two semesters prior with the roommate's name still attached. When confronted by the Instructor, the first-year student admitted plagiarizing and received a zero for the assignment. The Honor & Integrity System Director decided to expand the inquiry, however, to answer the question how the first-year student managed to acquire a roommate's paper. Did the roommate "give unauthorized aid" or did the first-year student somehow manage to acquire the paper without the roommate's knowledge? An investigation concluded that the student acquired the plagiarized material without the roommate's knowledge; the roommate will not be charged with providing unauthorized aid. Usually in these cases, the Reporter will require the Alleged Violator to take the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade in the class. In this case, the Reporter did not do so. Both the Director and the Associate Director urged the student to take the Academic Course voluntarily and the student agreed to do so. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-71--A Senior was alleged by a Professor to have falsified two tests and scores which turned out to be the tests and test scores of another student in class. The Professor first determined that the second student, whose tests were "borrowed" to use as a study guide, was unaware of how the tests were used. As a result, the Professor sanctioned the student with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an Honor Pledge violation. The Senior did not request an appeal. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-69--During a final exam, a Senior was observed by a Department Head and a test proctor, making it easy for the Junior sitting behind to copy test answers. Comparing the two completed tests revealed the same score, the same wrong answers, and a large number of erasures changed to the correct answer on the Junior's final. The Instructor confronted both students separately at the end of the exam and both denied acting suspiciously. Both also denied knowing the other although the Campus Phone Book revealed that both lived in the same residence hall and both were known to frequent each other's company. A further check revealed that both students had identical course schedules. The Instructor decided to sanction both with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an Honor Pledge violation. The X can only be removed by enrolling in and passing the Academic Integrity course; the F will remain permanently on the student's transcript although the course may be repeated for an additional grade. The students had ten calendar days to request an appeal and did not do so. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-61--A Senior plagiarized Internet sources without appropriate attribution in both the first and second papers for the course, receiving a mild rebuke the first time. The second time, the Assistant Professor sanctioned the Senior with a zero on the assignment and the additional requirement to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003/52--An Instructor alleged a first-year student plagiarized significant portions of a composition from an Internet source without appropriate attribution. The Instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment plus the requirement that the student enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course prior to receiving a final grade. The student did not appeal the sanction. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003/50--A Senior was alleged by a Professor to have copied the answers of an exam of the student seated nearby. The Professor first determined that the student who was copied from was knowledgeable with the exam content. The Professor then decided to sanction the Senior with an XF in the course. The F indicates failure in the course; the X indicates the reason is an Honor Pledge violation. The Senior has a previous XF in another course although the Senior has not as yet enrolled in nor passed the Academic Integrity course despite repeated email requests by the Associate Honor & Integrity System Director to do so. The Senior has decided not to return to the University. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-46 & 47--Two freshmen with no prior history of an Honor Pledge violation submitted similar personal essays in separate sections of the same course. The GTAs of each section coincidentally exchanged papers and noticed the similarities in the two essays. The GTAs also noticed that the two freshmen were roommates in the same social organization and decided to turn the case over to the Honor Council for adjudication. An Honor Council Hearing Panel will first decide whether sufficient information exists to support the charge of an Honor Pledge violation and if so, determine the appropriate sanction. During the case investigation, one of the two students agreed to meet with the Case Investigators and acknowledged plagiarizing the other student's essay, claiming the other student should not be held accountable.The second student did not respond to repeated email requests to meet with the Case Investigators. A close examination of the second student's essay led to suspicion that it was not original. It included dated references to persons and events which seemed inconsistent with that of a first semester student who had only been on-campus for a few weeks. The Honor Council Hearing Panel sanctioned both students with an XF in the course and further recommended to the Provost that the second student be immediately suspended from the University for the remainder of the calendar year due to non-cooperation with the Honor & Integrity System adjudication process. The second student will be allowed to re-enroll in January 2004. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-43--Two Freshmen participated in unauthorized collaboration on a homework assignment. The GTA noticed the unusual similarity in the two papers and confronted the two, both of whom admitted the Honor Pledge violation. The GTA decided to sanction the two Freshmen with a zero on the assignment and the requirement to enroll in and pass the Academic Integrity course, prior to receiving a final grade in the course. Neither student appealed the sanction. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-42--An Assistant Professor noticed that two papers, turned in for homework credit, appeared to be similar. Suspecting unauthorized collaboration, the Assistant Professor asked to meet with one of the students, who at first denied collaborating, but later returned and admitted the Honor Pledge violation. The Assistant Professor asked the Senior to provide the name of the other collaborator in exchange for a zero on the assignment; otherwise, the sanction would be an XF in the course. The Senior initially declined but later relented and confirmed the name of the other student. The other Senior was called in and denied the allegation, claiming that the other Senior must have stolen and copied the second Senior's homework. The Assistant Professor filed a report with the Honor & Integrity System Director who wrote a letter to both Seniors. The first Senior was sanctioned with a zero on the assignment. The second Senior was to go through the adjudication process with the Assistant Professor's recommendation that the second Senior receive an XF for the course. Upon receiving the letter, the second Senior returned to the Assistant Professor and acknowledged having participated in unauthorized collaboration. The Assistant Professor decided to change the sanction to a zero on the assignment for both Seniors. Case Closed.

Case #2002/2003-41--A Senior is alleged to have violated the Honor Pledge during a final exam by receiving unauthorized aid. The Professor decided to fail the student for the course and not report the allegation with the Honor & Integrity System. The Senior first complained to the Professor's Department Head. The Department Head asked the Dean to hear an appeal. The Dean turned the matter over to the Honor & Integrity System for adjudication. An Honor Council Hearing Panel heard the case and determined there was insufficient information to support the change of an Honor Pledge violation and requested that the Professor grade the final exam and submit a course grade. The Professor complied with the request. Case Closed. 17dc91bb1f

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