Based on the consolidated item analysis of the first periodical test in Grade 10 Science, the following competencies were mastered by the students: to describe the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters and major mountain belts; describe the different types of plate boundaries; explain the different processes that occur along the plate boundaries; and describe the internal structure of the earth. Theleast mastered competencies were to describe the possible causes of plate movement and enumerate the lines of evidence that support plate movement.

During first nine weeks, in addition to the ten minutes of choice reading time, I cover reading strategies with my seventh through ninth graders. At this age, students are just becoming aware of metacognition. Teaching them how to think about thinking is important. What does reading look like? What do purposeful readers do in order to comprehend better?

Grade 5 First Periodical Test Free Download


Although the university to high school transition has been quite challenging for me, I have enjoyed working with students and seeing their growth and confidence in new problem solving skills. Although I am radically changing my teaching methodology, a passion for chemistry has remained one constant in this transition. With chemistry, I feel as if I am in my element. As I have learned from teaching at university, the first year is a growing year. Looking forward to next year, I am becoming more comfortable with the pacing of the material as well as learning to recognize when the majority of students are prepared for a quiz or test. I feel strongly that I will need more training, whether through a conference or independent training in classroom management and behavior. 17dc91bb1f

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