Data Format
We collected all of the data in the ROS environment within the hardware timestamp provided by the drivers of each sensor. The following figure gives an introduction of the data inside each rosbag file, including topic names, message types, data rates, and the corresponding desciption.
We provide data in rosbag file format (ROS1 and ROS2 format), and sift out six ground sequences and eight aerialsequences. In addition, we provide a relatively small sample sequence for ground and aerial respectively .
Here is the duration and length for each sequence. Users can also obtain the duration and length of each sequence by analyzing the ground truth file of each sequence with the evo_traj function of the open source software evo.
In addition, the translation part of our ground-truth is obtained in the local Cartesian coordinate system (X-axis points east, Y-axis points north and Z-axis points sky), and the origin of the coordinate system is our RTK base station.
Calibration File: click here
Sample-Ground(3.0GB): ROS1bag ground-truth pointcloud
Ground-01 (23.9GB): ROS1bag ROS2bag ground-truth
Ground-02(27.7GB): ROS1bag ROS2bag ground-truth
Ground-03(21.3GB): ROS1bag ROS2bag ground-truth
Ground-04(23.6GB): ROS1bag ROS2bag ground-truth
Ground-05(37.3GB): ROS1bag ROS2bag ground-truth
Ground-06(22.3GB): ROS1bag ROS2bag ground-truth
The suffix in the name represents the flight altitude.
Calibration File: click here
Sample-Aerial(2.9GB): ROS1bag ground-truth pointcloud
Inter-robots Loop
The above gif picture is obtained by the Disco-SLAM algorithm. You can download the sample below and run the algorithm for verification. This sample is assembled from partial fragments of Ground-02, 04 and 05.
Sample-Multi(2.2GB): ROS1bag
For Cooperative or Multi-robots SLAM, there are many inter-robots loops between the following sequences:
Ground-01, 02 and 03;
Ground-01, 05 and 06;
Ground-02, 03, 04 and 05
Aerial-01 and 02;
Aerial-03 and 04;
Aerial-05, 06, 07 and 08
Ground-01 and Aerial-05, 07, 08;
Ground-06 and Aerial-06, 07, 08;
Ground-03, 05 and Aerial-03;
Ground-04, 05 and Aerial-01, 02