Grace Lowery's ePortfolio

About Me!

Hi! My name is Grace Lowery. I attended the Urban Assembly New York Harbor School and was part of the Marine Biology Research Program working in GIS. In this program, I've learned to better my communication skills, work with others collaboratively, how to work in a professional environment, and so much more.

Some of my hobbies include spending time with my cats, reading, exploring new places with my family, baking, bike riding, and gymnastics.

After taking the Meyers-Briggs test, it was revealed that I am an INTJ (introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging), and I live up to that well. As reported by this test, some of my strengths include being independent, curious, and versatile, while some of my weaknesses include being combative and overly critical of myself and others.

In addition to the Meyers-Briggs test, I also took the test to find out that my Holland Code is CSI (conventional, social, investigative). I enjoy working with numbers and data, as well as other people, and I enjoy problem solving.