6th G'L'owing Polymer Symposium in KANTO

Nov 25, 2023 (Online symposium)


Registration type and fee (including tax):

G1: Student (presenter) 2,000 JPY

G2: Student (non-presenter) 1,000 JPY

G3: Non-student 6,000 JPY

It includes admission to all sessions and a PDF abstract book. 

How to register

You need to finish steps (1) and (2) for the complete registration.

Please fill in the registration form online. A copy of the transaction record (receipt document or screenshot of web page) is requested to attach to the registration form. Your registration number will not be valid until BOTH the payment and the transaction record are confirmed. If you completed the payment of the registration fee, please upload the photo or scanned image of the transaction record from the registration form.

In the submission process, your Google (Gmail) account is required (it is not necessary to be the same as the contact e-mail address at the registration). If you do not have a Google account, please create your Google account to send your abstract.

You will receive the Registration number by e-mail. If you cannot find it, please check your mail filtering system. If you do not receive the e-mail from us a few days after the registration, please contact us by e-mail (kantoshibu@spsj.or.jp).

Please pay the registration fee through a bank transfer. Other payment methods including credit cards are not acceptable for this year. 

Please upload the photo or scanned image of the transaction record in the registration process or from the URL found in the confirmation e-mail.

[Bank for transfer]

ゆうちょ銀行 一三八支店 普通預金 1427914

公益社団法人 高分子学会関東支部 シャ)コウブンシガッカイ カントウシブ

Japan Post Bank (Yucho Bank), Ichisanhachi Branch, Ordinary account 1427914

Kanto Branch, the Society of Polymer Science, Japan

Your registration type (G1, G2, or G3) MUST be shown in the name of the payer.

Example: G1 Taro Kobunshi

We can offer another option only for registration from outside Japan. Please contact us for the details (kantoshibu@spsj.or.jp).