4th G'L'owing Polymer Symposium in KANTO

July 31, 2021 (On-line symposium)

Call for Paper

The registration should be completed before the application to the presentation. The registration number is required in the application process. Please send your application from the following page on or before 6/27 (Sun), 2021 7/5 (Mon), 2021.

Click here for the abstract submission

Your Google (gmail) account is required in the submission process (it is not necessary to be the same as the contact e-mail address at the registration). If you do not have a Google account, please create your Google account to send your abstract.

In the submission form, please input your e-mail address used at the registration process.

The abstract should be submitted at the application, which is prepared using the template file (A4 size, portrait, no page limitation):

Click here to download the template

The abstract should be converted to a PDF format without any security options. The file name must begin with your registration number assigned at the registration process, for example, "0123_yamada-taro.pdf".

The speakers can choose the presentation type from the following options:

      • Regular presentation: 12-min talk and 3-min discussion

      • Short presentation: 5-min talk and 2-min discussion

Presentation Award

The young speakers (students and early-carrier researchers) of the regular presentation will be nominated for the presentation award selected by the votes from all of the participants.

If you have any trouble to submit your abstract, please contact the secretariat office.