Mlumat n bildirk ki, 4 mbit/s v 10 mbit/s-lik xidmtindn 15 mbit/s v 30 mbit/s paketin keid alm mtrilrin glckd daha srtli internet paketlrin keidi n tklif olunan yksk srtli tariflrdn birini semk imkan da var. Xidmt istifadilri szgedn tariflr kemk n aada sadalanan kanallar zrindn mracit edrk daha tez seim ed bilrlr:

Qeyd edk ki, GPON internet xidmti fiber-optik xtlri zrindn tmin edilir. Bu texnologiya 100 mbit/s- qdr qoulma srti, ksintisiz rabit v telefon xtlrindn aslln olmamas kimi stnlklr malikdir.

Gpon Internet Aztelekom


Aztelecom LLC has established a fiber optic network based on GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Networks) technology in Slavyanka village of Gadabey region. In the village, 1004 households have been covered by high-speed internet. At present, 124 subscribers are using these services and the connection of new subscribers continues.

To connect to the services, citizens can call the 170 Aztelecom hotline, contact the local service department (address: 35 M.A.Rasulzade, Gadabey city), or apply through the website .

To connect to the services, citizens can call the 170 Aztelecom hotline, contact the territorial service department (address: Azerbaijan, AZ6600, Yevlakh city, Ganboy Guliyev 1, tel: +994 22 3360599), or apply through the website

Aztelekom, the leading telecommunications company in Azerbaijan, has announced that it has provided high-speed internet connectivity to more than 2,000 households in the Oguz region by expanding the fiber optic network in the community. The company has used GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) technology to offer this service to 2,046 households. Currently, 1,082 subscribers are using the service.

Aztelekom said with the implementation of the new GPON technology, subscribers are offered high-speed internet packages ranging from 30 Mbps to 100 Mbps. These packages include internet-only, internet plus telephony, internet plus television, and internet plus telephony plus television. The service fee varies between 18 AZN and 54 AZN, depending on the selected package and customer demand.

The expansion of fiber network in Oguz is part of the Online Azerbaijan project. It is worth noting that as part of the "Online Azerbaijan" project implemented by the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport in Azerbaijan, work is underway to provide high-speed internet to other regions of the country in line with the deployment of modern technologies.

As a national communication operator Aztelekom LLC, which has a large network of logistical and line facilities, has taken advantage of these new infrastructure projects, improving the quality and coverage of broadband internet services, ensuring the sustainability of communications and internet access for everyone in the regions, business processes and the internet is implementing a number of projects aimed at implementing a customer-centric strategy, increasing transparency, service quality and assortment. Aztelekom LLC is expanding its services as the main goal is to meet the demand for telecommunications services in recent years.

Broadband services based on the latest generation GPON technology provide Aztelekom customers with broadband internet access (one in third, one in tow) over GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) technology. GPON technology allows subscribers to use the phone, internet and ViTV together.

In addition, Aztelekom offers its customers a new interactive television service via xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line), fiber optic cable or LTE technology. Subscribers can enjoy access to VTV by watching over 150 local and foreign television channels in any country in the world, stopping and retrieving the image at any time, and following a three-day archive. Just having an internet service is enough for that. Compared to analog TV, IPTV has advantages such as better picture and sound quality

The GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) project has been developed taking into account the demand for telephones of central and new residential areas of Absheron district. According to the project, an optical distribution cabinet for newly built courtyard houses in Mehdiabad has been installed and fiber-optic cables with a capacity of about 8,000 meters have been installed for a 600-strong internal line network. Currently, citizens are provided with internet and telephone services.

According to the 2022 data from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Azerbaijan is home to 20 fixed-line broadband internet subscriptions per 100 people and 77 mobile broadband subscriptions per 100 people. Per 2021 ITU data, the most recent available, 86 percent of the population use the internet.2 However, the high penetration rate continues to obscure disparities in access.

The speed of fixed-line and mobile broadband connections in Azerbaijan increased during the coverage period. According to internet metrics company Ookla, the median fixed-line broadband download speed rose from 21 megabits per second (Mbps) in May 2022 to 29.76 Mbps in May 2023. During the same period, the median mobile broadband download speed increased from 32.2 Mbps to 40.97 Mbps.3

Users mainly access the internet via mobile devices. In October 2021, Azercell announced plans to further expand its long-term evolution (LTE) network coverage. According to the company, LTE network geographical coverage reached 74.3 percent in the first nine months of 2021, with the highest network speed in Baku.8

Price data from the ITU put the monthly cost of a 5 gigabyte (GB) fixed-line internet connection at 1.75 percent of gross national income (GNI) per capita and a 2 GB mobile internet connection at 1.34 percent of GNI per capita in 2022,2 indicating a slight increase in the cost of the fixed-line connections and a decrease in the cost of mobile internet connections from 2021 to 2022.

In August 2022, Aztelekom and Baku Telephone Communications (Baktelecom), owned by the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, announced changes in mobile broadband plans due to the use and application of Gigabyte Passive Optical Networks (GPON) technology and increased demand for high-speed internet. The two companies discontinued the 4 Mbps and 10 Mbps plans, which were priced at 10 manat ($5.88) and 12.5 manat ($7.35) respectively. The new plans are faster but more expensive; users can purchase 15 Mbps plans for 15 manat ($8.82) and 30 Mbps plans for 18 manat ($10.52).3 The change in broadband plans prompted public criticism and an investigation by the State Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control Service (see A4).4

In Azerbaijan, a geographic digital divide persists. According to the official figures from 2022, household internet access rates stood at 82.7 percent in rural areas and 89.9 percent in urban areas.5 Despite government pledges, ICT infrastructure beyond Baku remains neglected, and the capital is the overwhelming beneficiary of state investment in ICT.6 Independent media reports confirm accessibility challenges, especially in remote villages.7 In December 2022, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Union (EU) pledged a loan of up to $50 million to Aztelekom to help the company bridge the rural-urban divide with broadband access.

Between 2021 and 2022, 422,000 households were provided with fiber-optic internet.8 This follows a pledge by the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport to provide broadband internet access to 150,000 households in January 2022.9 The state-owned telecom provider Aztelekom began building GPON technology in several villages in 2021,10 reaching 370,000 households by the end of that year.11 In January 2023, Aztelekom announced that the provision of GPON and other broadband technologies continues in at least 60 administrative regions and cities across the country, with the aim of providing full coverage of the entire country with broadband internet speeds of at least 25 MB/s by the end of 2024 (See A1).12 According to Osman Gunduz, despite all the work and state plans, the remote areas of the country still face acute connectivity and access issues.13

The government exercises control over internet infrastructure and blocked access to TikTok during the coverage period. It has previously throttled access to the internet and blocked other social media platforms.

The connectivity issues reported by Ali Karimli, the leader of the opposition Azerbaijan Popular Front Party (APFP), during the previous coverage periods continued. Since April 2020, Karimli and his family have experienced a prolonged fixed-line and mobile internet outage, which continued throughout the current coverage period.2 The outage appeared to be a targeted, individualized disruption. In January 2021, Karimli and his spouse, Samara Seyidova, said that they were taking the case to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) after having received no response from domestic courts. The ECHR has not yet announced if the case will be heard.3

The government has a major role in controlling the ICT sector through state-owned companies and government institutions. Service providers are regulated by the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, whose leadership is beholden to Aliyev. The ministry has undergone major changes in recent years, including in 2017, when the former Ministry of Communications and High Technologies was dissolved and merged with the Ministry of Transport, creating the MTCHT. In 2021, the MTCHT was renamed the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport.1 However, these changes have had a limited impact on the overall quality of internet services across the country.

In April 2020, Ali Karimli, leader of the APFP, began to experience a prolonged fixed-line and mobile internet outage, which also affected his family (see A3).2 The outage appeared to be a targeted, individualized disruption. Amid the outage, Karimli, his supporters, and journalists had difficulty getting in contact with his ISP and his mobile operator, Azercell. Karimli later sued these companies, along with several government institutions, but a court dismissed the suit. He also sent his router to be inspected by a repair service, only to never hear from the company. Meanwhile, Zahid Oruc, a member of parliament, suggested in an interview that Karimli simply get a new SIM card.3 17dc91bb1f

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