About Our Administration

Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - AlaskaStatePlayer

Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation - Buddy1707

Executive Assistant Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI Police] - WildcatInto

Assistant Director [Critical Incident Response Group] - iiNYPDOperatorii

Assistant Director [Criminal Investigation Division] - iiDash_Law

Associate Assistant Director [Critical Incident Response Group] - Musikboyyyt

Associate Assistant Director [Criminal Investigation Division] - hugolab2004

Administrative Secretary - Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge [Vacant]

The Federal Bureau of Investigation Team is composed of 8 individuals who work together to ensure the Bureau is being ran correctly and to the best of its ability. These users run & oversee divisions, as well as the department as a whole. All members of the Administration team are hand-picked by Director AlaskaStatePlayer, who is the ultimate decision-maker in the department.

If you ever have any questions or concerns that needs to be directly send to Administration rather than High Command, please contact the Administrative Secretary.